Anyway - I was making one of my usual rounds of attempting to add - TopicsExpress


Anyway - I was making one of my usual rounds of attempting to add value to other peoples lives by commenting on their FB posts and this time I made comments about the purpose of writing a book and whats stopping most people from doing it. 1. People look at The Book as a first degree center of profit. If you dont get what I mean youre probably one of those people who worry about whether or not you would ever be able to have the lifestyle you want just writing books you want to write rather than what publishers make you write. 2. So many wanna-be writers think they are the next JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, Eoin Colfer, E.L. James, Paulo Coelho, etc...and let me tell you why 99% of wanna-be writers will die with a book in them. Those literary greats - they didnt wake up one day and wrote a best-seller. Their books were an EXTENSION of their metaphysical and spiritual journey into themselves. The books were a result of a spiritual journey transcending both time and space - a journey 99% of wanna-be writers have never evolved themselves enough in this lifetime to be able to make. I believe those writers were CONDUITS for Thought that has come of age. There is an excellent projection of this in a scene from M. Night Shyamalans Lady in The Water. There are some books that once a vessel has been chosen you CANNOT not write the book. Your world would close around you and you will have tunnel vision and you will access this dimension where space and time ends and you just write and write. Sometimes when you wake up you do not remember having consciously written what you just did. For some writers they have experienced this episode sporadically throughout their lives - enough to be confident of their potential, not enough to finish a book coherently. But thats the thing - those books that take years to crystallize - they never take shape in a linear order. It would be something like receiving inspiration and writing down verses and chapters as they are channeled through you and it would take someone else, or a different version of you - to piece them together in a sequence that makes the most sense to your audience at the point of near-completion. How do I know what I know? Because that was my previous incarnation in this lifetime. I have written dozens of books that were ahead of their time and watched the lessons behind the story unfold in real-life in my outer world. And I will never publish any of them. I was the right vessel at the right time and the writings had served me tremendously in refining my highly complex metacognitive processes and tuned my fore-future. Once I consciously chose to not let the trajectory of my life be defined by the messages in those books they will leave me and find another vessel who would externalize this inner journey. Nothing is really lost. Think of it this way : an energy pattern searches for a host with a particular kind of mind, experience, capacities and enters that fertile environment and a synergy of thoughts and imagination happen. This energetic pattern maps itself out as a metacognitive process and the Vessel writes it down, very often for their eyes only. Whether or not the Vessel chooses to publish and have parts of their life built around that message the energetic pattern has already served its Host by refining their mind. Should this refined energetic pattern leave the Vessel or Host because the host says, No, Im not the one who is going to externalize this message it will take its new version to another host. It is reincarnated into another person. This is why, for those who are writers, you will very often notice that you are suddenly HIT by a level of thinking and clarity that you didnt know you had in you. You will be FUELLED by a new surge of motivation, energy and awareness of your purpose. You will feel that you have no choice, it is a priority, you can no longer sleep until you get it out of you. (Oh hey, its 4:42am now..) The reason you may feel that way is because It did not come COMPLETELY from you. You had prepared yourself to receive it because you have read the externalized energetic thought patterns of a certain group of writers to have the aptitude to receive, enhance and add to the energetic pattern, often termed as inspiration by you. It came from a collective consciousness - it came from someone elses refinement of another thought and the chain of thought refinery goes back many vessels - and will finally find the conduit to express itself in physical literature. You see, all these things I write - they did not come from me. They came TO me because an energetic pattern at a different source felt I was positioned correctly to deliver a message to a sphere of audience already receptive to my influence. I am, and always have been, a lightning rod for refining and redefining the protracted thought processes of a tipping point number of the general mass consciousness. I simply provide the final piece that either moves people forward from where they have been stuck at or elevate them to a level of consciousness where they needed the permission to elevate themselves to. Dont try and be a famous writer. If youre meant to be the conduit for a message and youve built your internal value, spirituality, morality, consciousness, to be worthy of receiving divine, creative inspiration unfolded in stories, when you are deserving it will manifest for you. If you wait your turn and prepare to receive it, and you commit to performing your dharma to execute it as the conduit - it will happen. You do not think about how you will pay your bills being a writer. You focus only on how will you serve Creation and the Collective Consciousness. When you externalize and deliver the value Creative Inspiration asked you to, the authenticity of your message will bring tremendous value your audience. Your book will be called. A book / message whose time has come. 99% of people who have a book out will never take this path of spiritual literature. Be clear on whether you want to : - write a book because it is a SPIRITUAL and MORAL imperative and you would be willing to invest years and thousands of hours into it with no guarantee it will ever take the world by storm - and maybe not even make any impact in this lifetime OR - write a book because you want to make a great living as an infopreneur. For the former, only 1% of writers will ever be in that league. And as described above, as long as survival needs is part of your motivation to write youre probably not going to be positioned as a suitable vessel. JK Rowling worked as an English teacher. Actually, MOST writers have worked as English / History teachers. Its an excuse to get paid while we refined our thought processes. For the latter - anyone can #publishabookandgetrich. A lot of smart-asses are going to say, I want to do BOTH! I want to change the world and make tons of money doing it!!! Mastery of 1 thing at a time, my padawan.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 20:37:48 +0000

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