Apologies in advance for the long post. We have been avoiding - TopicsExpress


Apologies in advance for the long post. We have been avoiding writing this message, but after yet another incident last night we feel we have no choice. We know our lovely fans, friends and supporters know this, but we want to reinforce the point… Every cent given to us at Christmas On Acacia goes to the Cancer Council NSW and is not for our personal gain. We are an official fundraiser for the Cancer Council and we are damn proud of this! (We’re even in big letters on the printed calendar in the Charlestown office!) We pay for our own electricity bill with money from our jobs. We are not paying for our Christmas drinks with money from buckets. We do not use money to buy lights (those $1000s come from our own pocket, and the six+ weeks to set them up is done in our own time, for everyone else’s enjoyment). The money you put in a bucket goes to the Cancer Council. Yes, even the 2742 (to date since 2012) 5cent pieces. They all go to the bank to go directly to the Cancer Council. And, to add to this, the funds we raise stays here in the Hunter and helps locals. After being questioned as to our motives last night for about the sixth time this year, even though we have NEVER been questioned before, and then after being told by another individual “who cares what your personal reasons for raising for the Cancer Council are, you should be donating to” , it is becoming increasingly difficult to smile and carry on. And, having spoken to others who build and run light displays and raise money for charities of their choice, we know we arent the only ones being criticised and questioned. Our Christmas light display is built and run out of love. We do it for the love of Christmas. We do it to see the smiling faces of many who visit. We do it out of the love of family and friendship and to spend time together. We do it with no personal gain, with everyone from our collectors, photographer, musicians, electricians, website and social media expert, and even Santa donating their time and asking nothing in return. We perhaps do it as a distraction during a time that is difficult for us. We do it in memory of our Dad who we lost last year after a long battle with cancer. We do it for a school mate who lost his fight to cancer in his 20s. We do it for a friends 2 year old who was diagnosed with leukaemia only recently. Every person who helps and contributes has a story. Every person helps out of the Christmas spirit. And every person helps to support the Cancer Council NSW. Be it the manager at Big W who last year paid for candy canes out of his own pocket to help out, or our neighbour who dropped in boxes this year to give to kids. Be it those who provide things for us to auction, mosquito traps to reduce the blood suckers, a stage for our concert, our friends at BIIA who donated some beer to give our volunteers as thanks, our photographer who donates the ink and paper for our photos, and the list goes on, it is all done selflessly and to support the charity we feel so closely connected to. And we are extremely thankful and grateful for all of this, that people generously donate time and services and products to make our display as special as it is. And we are EXTREMELY thankful to everyone visits, says hello, Merry Christmas, and who may or may not throw money in the bucket. Even if you don’t put money in, as we know money can be tight this time of year, if you stop the car (as opposed to speeding off the moment you see us walking toward you) and spread some Christmas cheer, that’s all that matters to us. Finally, we have been asked by the Cancer Council NSW to state clearly that Christmas On Acacia is independent of any other light display or Christmas organisations. What Christmas Lights in the Hunter offers the community is great, but we are no way affiliated with the lovely person who runs the page. She promotes our display, and many others, and we are thankful for that, but that is as far as our affiliation with the page goes. We are extremely appreciative of the support she offers us and we gladly recommend the page to those looking for lights. Again, thank you everyone who supports us, and we hope to see you at the display before Christmas if we have not already!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:53:26 +0000

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