Apparently only 60% of the votes on 522 have been tallied. It - TopicsExpress


Apparently only 60% of the votes on 522 have been tallied. It could swing to the Yes side. Thank You for your Support. Today we stand strong together! We Shall Prevail! Dear Reg, Eternal Gratitude! There are not words enough to thank you for helping lead the fight against the most powerful and corrupt corporations on the planet. The battle for Yes on 522 is not over and the fight for GMO labeling is just beginning! We want to give you a quick update of where we stand and what will unfold over the course of the next several days, if not weeks. Last night voters in Washington cast their final ballots for Yes on 522, the citizen-led ballot initiative to label GMOs. Right now the election is too close to call. Washington voters finished casting their mail-in ballots at 8:00 pm PST last night and many of the most progressive precincts with likely voters for Yes on 522 have not yet been counted. With as estimated 300,0000 votes in King County and the surrounding Seattle suburbs still outstanding, the race will tighten over the next several reporting periods. The next election updates should come between 4:30 and 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time today and up. Several major national newspapers have called the election, but for those who remember last year in California, results on election night only continued to climb as late votes were finally counted. More than 600,000 ballots remain uncounted. Last night, the Washington state Secretary of State’s office has the Yes on 522 campaign trailing with 45.2 percent to 54.8 percent. According to Politico, these figures “represent about a quarter of the state’s 3.9 million” and possibly reflects only 60% of the total votes cast. The final vote for GMO labeling in Washington state may not be known for several days, possibly more than a week and the race will narrow as expected. We knew this was going to be a tight race going into election day and we are undeterred by the results. No matter what the final election results are, the movement for GMO labeling in the U.S. is just getting started and strong as ever. Americans will pass strong mandatory state and federal GMO labeling bills by the end of next year. And we’re going to need you to stay positive, focused and committed to get this done! Labeling of genetically engineered foods is an idea whose time has come here in America and no amount of corporate donations is going to stop it. Even as we await the results, we must hold firm in the belief that people power will ultimately prevail over the corruption of our democracy by out of control corporations. Thanks some of the Heroes of Yes on 522! Today we also wanted to take a moment to thank our incredible partners and allies who helped make this fight possible. Please take a moment to go to their Facebook pages and thank them yourself for helping lead the fight for GMO labeling and making Yes on 522 possible! Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap Organic Consumers Association Center for Food Safety Mercola Presence Marketing Nature’s Path PCC Natural Markets Food Democracy Now! Nutiva Bolder Brands (Udis Gluten Free, Earth Balance and Glutino) Annie’s Homegrown Stonyfield Farm Fuse Washington Amy’s Kitchen Like you, we eagerly await these results and want thank everyone who helped make this campaign possible. Every action, no matter how large or small has helped contribute to a major change in awareness on the issue that major corporations are attempting to use unlimited piles of cash to manipulate our democracy so they can sell us unlabeled genetically engineered foods that have had their genes altered in a laboratory. We also want to remind you of the power of standing together in the face of insurmountable odds. Earlier this year you helped pass GMO labeling bills in Connecticut and Maine and repealed the Monsanto Protection Act when no one thought it was possible. Have no doubt that we stand with you and remain eternally committed to stand up for our basic democratic rights, the integrity of our food supply and the future of our planet. Never doubt that Together We Will Prevail! Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Action! Team If you want to find out more about who stood up for your family and who sold you out, please take a look at Cornucopia’s powerful infographic detailing the contributions against us.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 06:39:30 +0000

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