Appeal to the planet Earth White Cosmic Brotherhood - TopicsExpress


Appeal to the planet Earth White Cosmic Brotherhood Leverage: Decide if we should be! Introduction: And irrelevant to know the source that sends you this message, is intentional and that its origin remains anonymous. The essential question is: What will you do before this message? Each of you has the intention to keep their free will and live in a state of happiness. These are the attributes that you have shown in cases in which we have contacted. Your free will depends on your level of knowledge and wisdom, from the domain that you hold your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive. Like all conscious races at this particular stage of his journey, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Moreover, only a small part of human beings is aware of the tremendous opportunities that are presenting themselves now. It is not our responsibility to modify your future, You decide our involvement or not. Consider this message as a worldwide referendum !! And your response is essential! About Us? Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives, unanimously about the unexplained celestial events that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years. To know the truth, one must face it without the filter, beliefs are filters, however respectable they may be. A group of investigators, more and more numerous, Anonymous, land, are exploring new knowledge paths and are getting very close to reality. Nowadays your civilization is flooded by the ocean of information, this new information is spreading, but only minimally. What in your history seemed ridiculous or improbable has become possible, and after it is made, in particular as regards the last 50 years. Wake up to the fact that the future will be more and more amazing. You will discover that what was insignificant is indeed the best. Similarly billions others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some kind Extra Terrestrial despite our subtle reality. There are fundamental differences between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. The hierarchy is present in our internal relationships as it is in any other organized structure. The Hierarchy is present in your internal relations. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. And it is with the approval of the Hierarchy that we direct to you. So like you, Also we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods more but we are equal in Cosmic White Brotherhood. Physically, we are somewhat different from you, but the majority of us have human forms. Our existence is a reality but the majority of you can not perceive it. We are not mere observers, we are consciences just like you are. Do not apprehend us because we remain invisible to your senses and your instruments for the overwhelming part of the time. Our intention is to fill this void, at this moment in your history. We made this collective decision, but not enough, not enough. We need your participation. Through this message, you will take a decision! Each of you in individually. There is no human representative on Earth that may alter or modify your decision. Why do not we visible? At certain stages of evolution, the cosmic humanities discover new forms of science beyond the apparent control of matter. The Structured dematerialisation and materialisation form part of this baggage. This kind of thing has already been reached in a few laboratories, in close collaboration with other creatures extra terrestrial with the cost of hazardous compromises that is hidden from the rest of humanity by their rulers. Leaving to one side the aerial or spatial objects, or phenomena known about by your scientific community, what you call UFO are essentially multidimensional manufactured spaceships using these abilities. Some humans were in physical contact, visual, auditory, tactile or physical contact with such ships, some of them under the control of powers that will govern secretly. The scarcity of your observations is due to the advantages provided by the dematerialized state of these ships. If you do not believe in this because you have not personally experienced, we understand it. Most of these observations are carried out by organizations of which you are sure to touch the soul and not to modify any organized system. This manner of proceeding of the extra-human races that surround you, reasons and have different expectations. For negative multidimensional beings that have a role in this game of power in the shadow of human oligarchy, Discretion is due to the fact did not want to reveal their existence and operation. For us, discretion is motivated by the respect we feel to human free will, in the sense that people can carry out their tasks coming to a spiritual maturity and their technical knowledge. The entrance of your humanity into the family of galactic civilizations is greatly expected. We can appear in a sunny day and help in this entry into the galactic family. If we have not already done so is because very few of you genuinely want that to happen, perhaps because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and there was not even an emergency circumstance that would justify our presence. Some of those who study our appearances count the lights in the night skies that leave no trace. Often think of them in terms of objects when in fact these phenomena are conscious beings. Who are you? You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout the time they are mutually enriched by your contribution. Same applies to the races at the surface of the earth. Your goal is to unite respecting the roots in order to reach a common goal. Your cultures seems to be different, uniforms, because of the situation of falsification of your Inner Being. At this time it is more important externality, the formality that the subtle nature of the essence that moves you. This exteriority prevail physics is, in fact, the wall protector against any situation that may be compromising for your purposes. You are being called on to overcome the current state of things, externality, respecting its richness and its beauty. Understanding the conscience of shape makes us love men in their diversity. Peace does not mean not making war, is to transform in what you really are: the same brotherhood. In order to understand this internal solutions that you can get reduced. One of the solutions is to get in contact with another race that may be the mirror in which to see who you really are. What is your situation? Except for rare occasions, our interventions always had very little incidence on your capacity to make collective and individual decisions which will be based on your future. This is because our knowledge of your deep psychological mechanisms. We concluded that the foundations of freedom lies in the daily consciousness of self and what surrounds you, understanding in a progressive way your blocks and limitations, whatever they may be. Despite the numerous, brave and willing human consciences, these blocks are artificially for the benefit of a growing centralizing power. Until a short time ago, humanity lived at a level of satisfactory control of their own decisions. But it is losing more and more power over your own destiny, because of certain advanced technologies the consequences of which are fatal for humanity and the entire ecosystem of the Earth, and is irreversible. All youre missing out in a slow but sure your extraordinary capacity to live an enviable life. Your flexibility at all levels is decreasing due to intentional artifice, independent from the fact that you wish or less. These technologies are in operation, harming your bodies and your minds. These plans are being executed now. This whole situation can change, can be altered to your benefit, in measuring your ability to maintain your own creative power even if it cohabits with the dark intentions of your potential Doms. This is the reason why we remain invisible. This individual power is doomed to disappear unless there is a collective reaction on a large scale. The moment is approaching when there may be a fracture, of any nature whatsoever. But, you should wait until the last moment to find solutions? Should you anticipate or undergo pain? Throughout Your history I have never missed encounters between peoples who discovered constraints for conflict. The Conquests almost always happened to the abusive domination of the conquered. The Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyone but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse in duration and intensity. However, a human being is an individual, and although it has many potential capacities, can not exercise them with dignity. This is the circumstance in which we are immersed most of you, and this mainly due to situations are essentially geopolitical. You are more than 6.5 billion human beings. The education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the living conditions of numerous animals and plants, is subject to the whims of a small group of financiers, political, military and religious representatives. And this dependence is as deadly as ever it had been before. Your thoughts and your faith are modeled after partisan interests with the intention to enslave, while inculcate in you the idea of being in command and to be able to control your destiny. This is the essence of the reality that currently live. In your world there is a gap between what is your will and what are your intentions known to you, and the rules of the game in which they are immersed, that there are unknown. At this time in history you are not the conquerors. Biasing information is part of a millenary strategy for human beings. The induction of thoughts, emotions or organisms that do not belong to you through the use of certain technologies is a strategy even more ancient. Wonderful opportunities of progress are combined with large and subversive intentions. These dangers and opportunities exist now. You can only perceive what we are showing. The end of natural resources is programmed by your collective human and is not a long term objective, this extinction is already underway. The mechanisms for run out and assassinate your ecosystems have already exceeded irreversible limits. The looting of resources, and the unequal distribution of resources whose prices are rising daily, will cause civil wars on a global scale, also hitting the heart of your cities and even rural communities. The hatred grows and advances at the expense of love. And love what gives you the confidence in the ability to find solutions. Unfortunately, however, the critical mass is insufficient and a sabotage work is cleverly being carried on it. Human conditions that obey the habits of the past and training, have such a high level of inertia that the last sentence to die. You face these problems to representatives, whose conscience of common well being slowly fades away to corporate interests. I always debating on the form but rarely on the content. When the time comes to act, the delays, mean that you are already dead even before they can make a choice. This is the real reason why, more than ever before in your history, your daily decisions act as a guide and have a significant impact so that there is a tomorrow and you can continue to live. What would be the nature of an event, a fact which modify this inertia typical of certain periods of development of any civilization? Where there might be a revival and a unification that will stop this blind rushing ahead? Nations, peoples, human tribes have always encountered and acted with each other. Facing these challenges, the threats weighing upon the human family, maybe you will have the opportunity to produce a giant interaction. A great roller wave is about to emerge. With a mixed substance, very positive, but also very negative. Who are those of the third party? There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another civilization: through its leaders and representatives or directly with individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of interests, the second way brings an awakening. The first way was the choice of a group of breeds whose intention was to keep humanity in bondage with the aim to control the resources of the Earth, your genetic code and your emotional energy. The second way was chosen by a group of races allied motivated by the spirit of service. We joined in this disinterested cause and introduced ourselves to the representatives in charge, holders of power, a few years ago who refused to shake hands under the pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic vision. And this is the path that has brought us this far to put everyone in front of the possibility to make a choice for themselves without the involvement of any representative interfering them. What we proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness, we propose it now to you! Most of you ignore that non-human creatures are participating implementation of agendas that are focusing their powers, without it being possible that those who are involved least suspect such involvement due to a lack of suitable ways to perceive them. This is so true from having now taken almost total control. They are not necessarily in your plan materials and this is the main reason for their operations is extremely efficient and frightening in the near future. However, be aware that most of your representatives are aware of this danger! Be aware that not all abductions are made against you. It hard to know and tell the truth! How could you exercise your free will under these circumstances is so much manipulated? From what are you really free? Peace and reunification of your peoples should be the first step toward the harmony with civilizations other than yours. This is exactly what we want to avoid those who are behind the scenes, dividend because they won! They also reign over those who govern. Their strength comes from their capacity to distillate mistrust and fear in your personality. This way of acting harms your very cosmic nature. This message would be of no if these manipulators guardians did not reach its apex and their deviations and their murderous plans were not materialize in a few years to come. Their projects are killers human neighbors, ready to materialize, undergo unprecedented torments during the next 10 cycles (years). To defend yourselves against this aggression that you can not see You must have at least the information necessary to bring the solution. Just as the case with humans, resistance exists amongst those dominant races. The physical appearance or form could not be of help to tell the dominator from the ally. At your current state of psychism, it is extremely difficult for you to distinguish. In addition to your intuition, training will be necessary for when the time comes. we, we know that free will is priceless, we have a proposal to make. What can we offer you? We can offer you a more holistic the universe and of life, constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal relationships, liberation from the technical knowledge, elimination of suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, access to new energy and, ultimately, a better understanding of consciousness. We can not help you overcome your individual and collective fears or bring you laws that you have chosen, we can not do the work for you. In the area of individual and collective not build your world, what you want, not soppianteremo your spirit of quest to new skies. What will draw? Your decision to create this contact. We would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium for this region of the Universe. Fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of doing. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe from this divine energy. What is the question we ask you? DO YOU WANT TO SEE EACH OTHER TO APPEAR? How can you answer this question? The truth of soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to clearly ask yourself, at home or in a group, as you prefer. Be in the center of the city or in the middle of a desert will not change the effectiveness of your response, Yes or no, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASKING THE QUESTION !!! Do it as if you were talking to yourself but thinking about the message. It is a universal question and these few words, put in their context have a powerful meaning. Do not allow doubt to appear in any way. E for this reason that you should calmly think about it, in with all your consciousness. In order to perfectly associate your answer to the question, it is recommended that you answer right after another reading of this message. Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be proud of who you are! Removed any problem can pass to the mind and can grow weary. Forget for a minute to center yourself in yourself only. Feel the force that springs up on you. You are in command of yourself! A single thought, a single answer, can drastically change your near future, one way or another. Your individual decision of asking in your inner approval or denial of the permit to show openly in broad daylight is precious and essential to us. Although you can choose a mode that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless. A sincere request made with your heart and your own will will be implemented in every way for those of us who are sending you this message. It will be in your own private secret that each of you will determine the future. What is the lever effect? This decision must be made by the greatest number of members you, even if it may seem they are the minority. E recommended to spread this message, in all possible ways, in all possible languages, to all those around you whether they are receptive or not towards the new vision of the future. Do it using in a humorous tone or derision if you think that this might be of help. You can also choose to openly and publicly if you feel more comfortable, but do not be indifferent to this message before you have exercised your free will. Forget about the false prophets and what you have been led to believe about who we are and where we come from. This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked. Making a decision by yourself, as individuals, it is your right as well as your responsibility! Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom. Similarly, indecision is never efficient. If you really want to listen to what is your belief, what we understand, then say NO. If you do not know what to say, we ask you not say YES because of mere curiosity. This is not a show, you speak of your planetary destiny. WE ARE ALIVE AND WE LIVE! Your history has plenty of episodes in which some men and women have been able to influence the course of certain events although in small number. The same applies to this small number of beings who was able to take temporal power on Earth able to influence the options for the future of the majority. A group numerically small can radically change your fate before the impotence of so much inertia and hurdles! You can ease the birth of Universal White Brotherhood, on your planet. One of your thinkers once said: Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world Spreading this message re probably giving a foothold to do this. We will leverage from light years away, you will be the builders of the elevation of the Earth together with our appearance. What are the consequences of a positive decision? For us, the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decision will be the materialisation of many ships, in your sky and on Earth. For you, the direct effect would be the abandonment of a bunch of false certainties and different attitudes. A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your future. Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your societies would be deeply upheaved for ever, in all sectors of activity. The power will turn into individual power because you will see yourself as living beings. concretely: You will want to change the scale of your values! For us the most important thing is that humankind would form a single family addressing this unknown we would represent us. Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly force the undesirable to these, what we call the third party, to show up and vanish. You would all bear the same name and share the same roots: Humanity! Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges are possible, if such is your wish. For now, those who get hungry can not smile, those who are afraid they can not welcome us. We are sad to see men, women and children suffer in their body, in their hearts, since they bear such an inner light. This light can be your future. Our relationships could be progressive. Various periods of years or decades would occur: demonstration of our ships, our physical appearance beside human beings, technological collaborations and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy. For every situation you can choose new options. Then decide by yourself to cross new stages if you think it necessary for your well-being internal or external. No interference would be decided upon unilaterally. We want to leave as soon as you would collectively wish. Depending on the speed with which the message across the world, will have to spend several weeks or even months, before our great appearance, if this decision will be taken by a majority of those who have decided to use their ability to choose and if this message receives the necessary support. The current decision is extremely simple: We are technically equipped to materialize! Why such a historical dilemma? We know that foreigners are considered as enemies according to your degree of non-knowledge. In a first stage, the emotion that our appearance will generate strengthen your relationships on a worldwide scale. How could you know whether our arrival will be determined by your collective choice? For the simple fact that we are here for a long time, at your level of existence. If we have not made visible it was because you have not expressed this desire explicitly. Some of you may think that we feel that the choice is left to you, to legitimate our arrival, but it is not. What interest would we have to offer to you openly what you can not get so to benefit all? How can you be sure that it is not of a further maneuver of the third party to better enslave you? Why is it always easier to compare something identified with what is hidden. Is not the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant example of that? You can see with the eyes of the Heart. In any case, are the sole judge in the seat of your soul and heart! Whatever the choice, it would be respectable and respected! In the absence of human representatives who could potentially seduce into error you ignore everything that concerns us as well as ignore all of those who manipulate you without your consent. In your situation, the precautionary principle that consists in not groped for us to discover it will not last. You are already in the Pandoras box that the third party has created around you. Whether whatever your decision youll have to get out. Facing the dilemma that we have presented, one ignorance against another, you have to use your intuition. Do you want to see it with your own eyes or simply believe what your thinkers say? And This is the real dilemma! After thousands of years, one day, this choice was inevitable: choosing between two unknowns. Why spread such a message among yourselves? Translate and spread this message to all levels. This action will affect your future in an irreversible manner and will span thousands of years of history, otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose to spent the years or generations, if it can survive. Not choosing, stands for undergoing other people. Not informing others unless you do not want to take the risk to obtain a result contrary to your expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up ones freedom of opinion. Its about your future. Your evolution. It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent due to the lack of information. Be aware, however, that there is no desire (call) individual goes unheeded in the universe. Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Hundreds of ships. A unique cultural shock in the current history of the human race. Then it will be too late for not having listened to this message, and not have it spread because this discovery will be irreversible. Insist that you do not rush into it, but to think! And decide! The media can not be interested in spreading this message. E therefore your duty, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving being, transmitting it. You are still the architects of your destiny! WANT TO SEE EACH OTHER TO APPEAR? - White Brotherhood Cosmica- You are free to publish, play and copy this message as you want and like, on the contrary, I invite you to do so. But please do not edit or cut the message
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 08:46:48 +0000

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