Approaching end of day 4... Thank you all so much for reading - TopicsExpress


Approaching end of day 4... Thank you all so much for reading these long posts about Hong Kongs protest, and things I find out from so far away. You made me feel like I am contributing somehow. Things I learned about today (GMT 4:18am, 10/1/2014): 1. About 7 hours ago, the 100th hour of occupation was marked. 2. CY Leung still refuses to talk directly with the protestors. He just told everybody to go home. 3. Because 10/1 is Chinas National Day (65 Years ago the Communists took over China :/ ), HK citizens have 2 national holidays. So last night saw yet another record turn-out, despite the fact that it poured and the yellow cloud signal was announced. 4. Instead of sleeping on the streets, because of the rain, many shelters were opened and many stayed just right by the streets. But some were seen holding umbrellas for the police who couldnt go anywhere but stand in the rain. 5. The government claimed that the rumors of the posibility of open-fire was unfounded. Then a picture of the police holding the sign disperse or we will open fire in front of protesters 2 days ago quickly surfaced the social media. 6. Much of the attention was devoted to protecting protesters from various rumors. There are ones that get even passed on by major newspapers and CY Leung, the Chief Executive himself – something about this old lady who was stuck inside a cross-harbor tunnel and couldnt see her dying daughter-in-law; Or supposedly a baby was born braindead because protestors blocked the roadways and the mother was not sent to a certain hospital....all these have been proven to be fake stories. But it is scary how they were passed around with extreme efficiciency to discredit the movement and get people to feel guilty. 7. Some protesters wanted to interrupt the flag ceremony (a big deal on National Day) in that Ugly Golden Bauhinia Square (the sculpture is the ugly part IMO) but other protesters insisted restraint. 8. Joshua Wong and many other students finally got to be in the observation area of the official flag raising ceremony (he tried to go last year and got carried out by force). He credited the pressure of the protest as the reason why he could get in this year. When the national anthem was playing, all the student protesters turned around and made a cross with their arms (the symbol of defiance since the anti-brainwash education movement two years ago). Something funny: 9. Biological Weapon: A photo has been passed around of a mother chastising a policeman, I suffered all these years to bring up my child and you threw tear gas at him?!?!?! The police, trapped by his job (he was just standing there), was unable to respond. Netizens called the mom the most effective bio weapon. lol And now please enjoy some photos I collected from, mostly, Apple Daily. https://facebook/hk.nextmedia
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:40:27 +0000

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