April 13, 2014 - More and more people are realizing something - TopicsExpress


April 13, 2014 - More and more people are realizing something unusual and troubling is happening.. That is good news, because the more citizens become observant and knowledgeable, the better chance we have of stopping what many now believe is an invasive attack upon us. While property rights are a major part of Agenda 21, it encompasses far more areas of our lives, with new laws and adverse changes from our government.. We must deny the assumption that only government can protect nature, air, soil, water, and open spaces. History informs us that all societies run by totalitarian governments experience severe environmental degradation where there is little or no private property and a misuse of resources. The end result is a chasm which develops between the haves and have-nots and a resulting bleak future for individual citizens.. An example of personal property being taken by the government is The Wildlands Project. It dictates how land is to be set aside for non-humans, and if your property happens to be located in one of their designated areas, you become less important than animals. In Kern County, California, there are 400 such areas planned. The pretense to confiscate the land is that it is national forest land, with the claim it is good for the people.. There is a definite push to have people become more dependent by relocating them from suburbs into cities, out of private homes into condos, and out of private cars onto their bikes or electric cars. Bike lanes and bike paths are all the rage right now, as cities and rural areas are being remade in accordance to the sustainable model. With high density urban developments, parking for cars could be eliminated, as there would be no need for vehicles that sprew forth CO2. As documented in the Fifth Assessment Report issued by the U.N. International Panel of Climate Change (ipcc) on September 27. 2013, manmade Global Warming was attributed in large part to CO2 emissions.. In 2013 San Francisco Bay Area residents battled city planners on the implementation of Plan Bay Area and Senate Bill 345″-- known as the smart growth program — which called for the moving of people from rural communities into the citys urban sprawl so government would have more control over how they impacted the environment. Rosa KIoire, a former forensic appraiser and the founder of Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, believes the smart growth plan is more about making people live closer together so government can have more control over them than about any environmental impact.. In December of 2012, President Obama used the Monument Act to grab the area known as the Taos Plateau, even though that area lacked properties that would qualify it for a national monument. That area of the state has enormous underground resources, such as oil, coal, and uranium, resources that could be providing economic benefits to both the state and its residents. Rather than create jobs that would benefit the people who live in New Mexico, that land now belongs to the government.. Then there is the Clean Water Act of 1972 where even mud puddles can become wetlands that must be protected. Should an area be deemed a wetland, the owner is no longer allowed to use or sell it. One of the more mindless abuses of the law happened in California. Using a provision in the Clean Water Act, which provided for a healthy habitat for fish, California officials purposely diverted the Sacrament River and allowed that essential water supply to flow into the ocean.. Certainly this is not what our forefathers intended of the law, but an overreaching government has abused our freedoms.. You are probably wondering whom is behind the U.N. Agenda 21 plan. Unfortunately, quite a few world-wide leaders, including many in our own country. Not surprising, one of the more prominent is George Soros, a billionaire and liberal socialist, who strongly supports Agenda 21. Soros money has been tracked to funding parts of ICLEI, as early as 1997 when his Open Society gave ICLEI over 2 million dollars to support a Local Agenda 21 Project. His billions fund over 90 leftist organizations such as ACORN, SEIU, MoveOn.org, Occupy Wall Street, the ACLU and most any that promote his far-left agenda. In a subsequent article we will discuss how Soros Open Society Institute has partnered with the U. S. Department of Education to promote a global education initiative to bring about the nationalization of the American education system known as Common Core, endorsed by Arne Duncan, Obamas left leaning Secretary of Education...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 22:33:33 +0000

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