April News from Peace In The Storm: Elissa Gabrielle returns with - TopicsExpress


April News from Peace In The Storm: Elissa Gabrielle returns with the critically-acclaimed EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, Celebrity Endorsements, Collaboration with Angelia Vernon Menchan and more... ********************* “My vision and goal for Eye of the Beholder was so large that I was unable to achieve it until I grew into the woman who could. I became that woman.” ~Elissa Gabrielle Beloveds, To be able to release another novel and present my work to the public is an exciting feeling and although I’ve been down this road before, it truly feels like the very first time. Something happened along the way with the storytelling of my new release, Eye of the Beholder. The concept and idea and the goal and my dream and vision for this novel was epic and while the story itself is beautifully-simple, the themes I wanted to cover and the subject matter I wanted to address were not. I wasn’t evolved enough as a writer to pen this book until now. I had to challenge myself and the person I was to become the person I am now. You see the glory but you don’t know my story. It is one hell of a story. Because of my life’s journey to date, I am stronger, wiser, better and exceedingly blessed and I thank God for everything He has made me and for the gifts He has bestowed upon me. I don’t take these gifts for granted. I could have taken the easy road and I’m sure my readers would have loved the work, but because I am a student of the game; a writer who honors the written word and respects the craft of writing, I had to give you a beautiful love story – the ultimate love story that heals, that triumphs, that soars; one that is unwavering and blessed beyond measure. The main character Jerusalem Jones was faced with all types of adversity and the obstacles laid before him on his life’s path would make the average man throw in the towel. I know about that kind of adversity and I’m here to tell you that there is victory on the other side of through. I remember when I started Peace In The Storm Publishing and for that matter, when I began my literary career, there were so many obstacles in the way, and as time progressed, the obstacles grew bigger and self-doubt tried to creep in. The keyword here is “tried.” So glad I didn’t give up. He speaks through trials. I was reminded, through the trials, “Who” I am, and “Whose,” I am. Made all of the difference in the world. And, whatever you’re going through in life, no matter how big your problem may seem, I’m here to tell you that there is a God that is bigger than anything you’re going through. So the next time obstacles confront you, you don’t allow your problems to scream to you how big they are, you look them in the face and shout how big your God is! Life is filled with speed bumps, roadblocks and stop signs. Our normal tendency is to listen to the world as it tells us to slow down or even stop, behind a belief that some things in life are out of our reach and beyond our attainment and control. The world wants to cushion our expectations and to ultimately limit our goals. But thankfully, there is a God. And with faith in Him and His mercies, He gives us pedals upon which to accelerate and a path of green lights upon which to proceed when others tell us to we can’t possibly move forward. My life’s journey has been an ongoing saga of having faith and believing that even though others can give me molehills of why I can’t, My God gives me mountains of why I can. Eye of the Beholder is an eclectic ensemble of jazz and poetry. It is both spiritual and sensual. It is redeeming and healing. It is triumph over adversity. It is love because I am love. Literary royalty have endorsed Eye of the Beholder and the support has been nothing short of amazing. I will share some of the love and encouragement with you. This work of art debuts April 29, 2014 and I cannot wait for you to experience the power of love on this phenomenal journey. Always and in All Ways, I will forever remain, Elissa Gabrielle
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:35:46 +0000

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