Archbishop Gomez, joining Governor Brown for signing of - TopicsExpress


Archbishop Gomez, joining Governor Brown for signing of AB60: "Driving is one of the basic necessities of life. So this new law is going to make a big difference for millions of people in their everyday lives. "It will make it easier for them to get to work, to go to school, to go the store, to get to church. This bill will make our families, our communities and our economy stronger. "But as good as this legislation is — it’s still only a half-measure. "Our nation’s immigration system is totally broken. Sacramento can’t fix that problem. Only Washington can. We need immigration reform that keeps families together, that gives rights to workers, and that provides a generous path to citizenship. "El sistema de inmigración nacional, como todos sabemos, es completamente inadecuado. Pero el problema no se puede resolver en Sacramento. Solo se puede arreglar en Washington. "Necesitamos una reforma migratoria que mantenga a las familias unidas, que respete los derechos de los trabajadores y que incluya un camino generoso hacia la ciudadanía. "So let’s keep working together with our leaders in Washington for reform that is real and comprehensive — so all our brothers and sisters can join us in the promise of America, and so they can live with the dignity that God intends for them. "Again, thank you and may God bless you all."
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 20:49:40 +0000

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