Are #Harper’s Ministers using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli - TopicsExpress


Are #Harper’s Ministers using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media? There are even more burning questions that are ever growing and now expanding into a full blown firestorm and we are now demanding immediate answers and actions before any further attempts by the Conservative Party of Canada, aka: Harper Party, at passing, or shall we say ramming, Minister of Democratic Subversion Pierre Poilievre’s so called Fair Elections Act into legislation. Once again we must ask ourselves a couple of valid questions and below we will once again utilize Twitter to begin our quest and gather more evidence in support of our initial question summary located here: https://dumpharper.wordpress/2014/02/21/is-harpers-pmo-using-taxpayers-to-solicit-cdnpoli-election-donations-via-social-media/ and our follow up poll here: https://dumpharper.wordpress/2014/02/23/poll-is-harpers-pmo-using-taxpayers-to-solicit-cdnpoli-election-donations-via-social-media/. 1. Are Stephen Harper’s appointed Ministers subverting and/or violating Elections Canada rules by using taxpayers funds to manage and solicit illegal election donations via social media in preparation for 2015? 2. Why are the Opposition Parties allowing it to happen and not demanding a Regime change and immediate elections? It is worth noting that not all of Harper’s appointed Ministers are engaging in this actively but it seems as if the majority are. In addition there are several Harper Party Ministers that utilize more than on Twitter account and very few of their profile summaries differentiate between the “official” and personal accounts and most contain links to their campaign websites as opposed to the “official Government of Canada website portals. Below, while not all inclusive, we will provide an overview of Tweets and ReTweets as well as utilizing redirection links that are obfuscated via the and short url services. In addition we are concerned that the government issued devices that we are paying for, such as Blackberry’s, smartphones, computers, laptops and tablets are being utilized for partisan activities, not to mention the time frames in which they are performing these partisan activities is taking away from necessary ministerial functions. In other words, they are campaigning while siphoning off the dole. So basically they are utilizing “company” time while “on the clock” for personal activities, which in the private sector could and usually are grounds for termination or other disciplinary measures. Below you will find examples of questionable conflicts of interest and please note that majority of the archiving was done 21Feb2014 with a few exceptions and that the images contain text archives from the accounts from as far back as possible. continue: https://dumpharper.wordpress/2014/03/09/are-harpers-ministers-using-taxpayers-to-solicit-cdnpoli-election-donations-via-social-media/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:36:18 +0000

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