Are bueng ka lehatshe bakaulengwe. The upcoming 2015-16 budget - TopicsExpress


Are bueng ka lehatshe bakaulengwe. The upcoming 2015-16 budget must reflect the seriousness of govt in resolving the longstanding land issue . We must c govt allocate a big chunk of the budget towards land n shelter provision. In fact re kopa budget allocation for ministry of lands be third in size to only health and education ministries. Its not that lehatshe ga leyo.the problem is the ministry of lands gae fiwe Madi a lekaneng to even attempt to provide shelter for batswana . Money being wasted kobo ipelegeng , DIS, BDC corruption ridden projects should b diverted to lands ministry. If land is scarce like kgama n cabinet likes saying, then ministry of lands n housing must embark on massive high rise housing projects in settlements throughout the country. Fa lefatshe Le shota ago agweng di high rise flats tsabo 6 to 10 floors. Population ya botswana e nnye. Population ya batswana baba batang boroko is less than 500 000. Population ya first time home owners who will want to buy apartments in residential flats is even smaller than 100 000. Bogolo let the govt allocate lands ministry funds to capacitate BHC to build blocks of high rise residential flats in towns n peri urban centers to accommodate the around 100 000 first time home owners. Let NDP 11 show govt is serious about giving batswana land n shelter. We want to see ministry of lands being given a lions share of the national budget throughout NDP 11 to totally eliminate the artificial huge land board waiting lists. It is not funny anymore to see four generations of a family living in one homestead e esaleng e fiwa monnamogolo in the 1970s. Then u hear Bo makgorwane baba melala mekima jaka Bo Erick molale lebo vincent seretse bare batswana gaba tshwanna go nna le lehatshe. This is utter madness from whole ministers. The landlesness n lack of shelter besieging botswana was created by the bdp govt. we demand that th same govt eliminate this landlessness mo botswana n provide shelter to batswana thru massive land n housing projects throughout NDP11. Starting with the 2015-16 national budget we want huge cut of the budget to go towards provision of serviced land n housing. Count down to budget speech 2015-2016 begins now bakaulengwe .Reba lebile Bo Vincent seretse baba reng garea tshwanelwa kego nna le lehatshe in the land of our forefathers. Ke ipotsa gore fa motswana gotwe aka Senne ke lehatshe mo botswana ke honorable Vincent seretse n his bdp, motswana wago nna ke lehatshe kae? Ko Afghanistan kana Ko America kgotsa Ko ngweding or in Mars? we know opposition MPs are with us with our quest to hv govt capacitate lands ministry to adequately address the land n housing shortage. From what ministry seretse said ka the current land problem, we now hv no doubt that the looooong land board waiting lists are a deliberate creation of bdp land owners like Vincent seretse designed to increase land n housing demand n raise the price of real estate sky high. 2019 is just around the corner so bdp better b warned to provide us with land n housing failing which we will take it out of govt ka 2019. La reng ka seo. Are bueng ka lehatshe ma Udc re emise go ikopisa tlhogo re bua ka bcp . Why kick a corpse. Its dead u wasting ur energy barking up the wrong tree. Lets face our guns fully n ignore bcp . By constantly attacking n talking about bcp we are taking our eyes off the ball n we r in fact marketing bcp e batswana ba batang goe lebala. Lona Bo cmd lo bata go busetsa bcp mo agenda ya polotiki ya botswana . Leave the dead to stay dead.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:30:52 +0000

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