Are we anarchists or patriotic Americans? President Obama will - TopicsExpress


Are we anarchists or patriotic Americans? President Obama will negotiate with Iran, a terrorist nation, over their nuclear proliferation, but refuses to negotiate with House Republicans in order to secure funding for the U.S. government to operate past October 1. This weekend, the President promised to veto the House of Representatives’ latest Continuing Resolution (CR), which contains language to delay his health care “reform” law for one year and to repeal the medical device tax. Over the last two days, in marathon sessions, the House crafted a bill that funds the government past the October 1 deadline, but also contains language to delay ObamaCare’s implementation. The delay is a significant compromise from the House’s defunding efforts, but neither Obama nor Reid are willing to compromise – or even discuss – adjustments to the President’s “signature legislative achievement.” But as many observers have pointed out, ObamaCare was passed through outrageous manipulation and bold-faced deceit, making conservative backlash inevitable. Thus, this confrontation with Republicans over its implementation is the result of the administration’s lies and manipulation in forcing ObamaCare down America’s throat. To refuse to negotiate its funding with the House of Representatives is simply one more example of the executive branch’s tyranny. ++Harry Reid once again carries the President’s water. In lockstep with President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the House bill dead on arrival in the Senate… “To be absolutely clear, the Senate will reject both the one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act and the repeal of the medical device tax.” Reid also once again declared, “The American people will not be extorted by Tea Party anarchists.” According to virtually every recent poll, a clear majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare. Yet according to Reid’s assertion, Americans who are opposed to ObamaCare are somehow “anarchists.” No, we’re not anarchists, we are patriotic Americans who are participating in a constitutional republic and have inconveniently shown up to tell these bullies, “No more of these tyrannical changes to our nation’s economy!” ++Ted Cruz exposes Reid’s “brute political force.” On an NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz exposed Reid’s tactics to demonize and diminish his political opponents… “So far, Majority Leader Harry Reid has essentially told the House of Representatives and the American people, ‘go jump in a lake.’ He says, ‘I’m not willing to compromise, I’m not willing to even talk.’ His position is that 100 percent of Obamacare must be funded in all instances. Other than that, he’s going to shut down the government. If we have a shutdown, it will be because Harry Reid holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage.” Today, the Senate will take action – or take no action – on the House bill. We are less than 24 hours away from a government shutdown unless a Continuing Resolution is reached by midnight tonight. I am once again calling on America’s patriots today to barrage the Senate with our call to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare. The voices of Americans must penetrate the Washington Beltway and resound throughout the halls of Congress today! Utilizing Liberty Counsel Action’s powerful Fax Barrage system, your message to Congress is one click and just one minute away from arriving on Capitol Hill… It is imperative that we unite against the tactics of those who demonize us merely to protect their leader’s “crowning achievement.” It is imperative that we work collectively to stop Barack Obama’s Trojan horse of socialism from ever being fully implemented in America. ++It’s this simple: ObamaCare must go if we are to survive! The members of the Senate will be held accountable for their votes. Liberty Counsel Action will score their votes in our upcoming Congressional voter guides. “If they funded ObamaCare, they own it.” ObamaCare is a national disgrace and MUST be stopped from being fully implemented! We are acting on principle and refuse to be dissuaded by political maneuvering. Today, I urge you to fax (or once again fax) senators and demand that they do the right thing on behalf of the American people. Go here to take immediate action: We must keep the pressure on right up to the final hours of this ongoing battle! Our voices must continue to be heard! Thank you, as always, for your diligence in confronting the immoral, unconstitutional train wreck that is ObamaCare. Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action PS. Obama and Reid are holding America hostage and are using brute political force to once again ramrod ObamaCare down the collective throats of Americans. This tyranny must be stopped at all costs. The ability to petition Congress via Liberty Counsel Action’s Fax Barrage system to Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare is at your fingertips. We have already sent over 90,000 highly targeted faxes into Congress during the last two weeks of this battle, but we must ensure that our voices continue to be heard! Everything you need to fax your senators, and many more, is here: Thank you and God bless you!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 20:45:46 +0000

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