Are you good at living in the present? This is the finale part - TopicsExpress


Are you good at living in the present? This is the finale part of the missing GAP in happiness week Here is my 5 inspiring ways living in present moment will benefit your life: 1. You will be empowered to let go of the past When you accept and move in to this moment fully, the past no longer has any power to hold you back. Equipped with this wisdom, you accept that the past was there to teach you about how to live now. When you do this, all thats left is a beautiful human being full of wisdom, inner strength and courage to move forward on the path of life. 2. You will feel happier When you fully accept the present moment and love it for what it is (and not what it isnt), youll notice how happy it makes you feel. The more this happens, the more happiness will naturally flow in to your life because you are no longer blocking it with negative thoughts about the past or future. Remember, our default setting is happiness. 3. Youll become hot property As more people notice your present moment living, the more you will attract, intrigue and inspire your circle. People who are present moment orientated are fun to be around, insightful and make great leaders. So watch out - your dreams might just come true! 4. Youll achieve your goals more easily By living in the present, any potential setback along the journey towards your goals is taken as an inevitable and important step. You learn from it and taken forward because all that matters is now. When you operate in the present, there is no burden of the future, only excitement at where your goals may take you as you learn and keep going. 5. You reduce worry about the future The future is an unknown and when you are present, you dont mind that it remains so. Who knows how long youll be around? Who knows where your life will take you? Leaving unanswerable questions unanswered is something you will do naturally when you accept the present moment. This is not to say you dont create awesome, inspiring life goals for your self. However, what it does create is an zen inner philosophy that no longer sees the future as a means to make life any better.... maybe well achieve our goals, maybe we wont.... and were ok with that 6. Youll find life more fun When you realise the future will be a moment just like this one, you embrace what ever you have in this second for what it is and not what it isnt. This naturally flows to a gratitude for being alive. This naturally flows in to a state of mind that no longer fusses over matters that dont matter. When youre present, you know that no matter how stressful life could be, youre going to let most of that pass because your life is only made up of nows and youre going to choose happiness first (everything else second) Will (dog walker, surfer, learning from his past and getting excited about his future all for purpose of loving the now)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:21:47 +0000

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