Are you in this movie because you enjoy directing yourself, or - TopicsExpress


Are you in this movie because you enjoy directing yourself, or because you had to be in order to help sell it? Honestly, as you can imagine, it really isn’t all that fun directing yourself, running back and forth to the monitors to see if you’re terrible or not. I’m still in the position where it helps to be in the movie. But I would also argue this is a movie about men who are past the age of people who would be going to the Army. … So it is a bunch of fish out of water. I’m 52 years old and don’t really look like I should be signing up for the Army any time soon, so it seemed like the right part for me to play. Is this the biggest project you’ve undertaken as a director in terms of scope and budget? Oh, by far. By double, really. This is a big old movie. We got a lot of tax rebates shooting in Germany and in England. We finished five days early and $5 million under budget — I’ve never not finished early or under budget, by the way — but it’s still a big budget. We land in Normandy. We’re in Paris. It’s a big movie.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:39:30 +0000

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