Are you not seeing the results you want from going to the gym or a - TopicsExpress


Are you not seeing the results you want from going to the gym or a fitness class? Here are 3 reasons why you may not be getting the results you want. 1. Nutrition/Diet Eating is half the battle! People can work out five days a week and burn hundreds of calories, but if they are not fueling themselves properly, all that hard work is pointless. The body needs good nutrition to make sure that it is able to support the work being done. Eating a diet rich in protein, vegetables, fruits and good fats is the way to go if you are looking for a boost in workouts. 2.Lack of Intensity How can you tell if you are working hard enough? Lets start with sweat. We all sweat differently, but if you see that salty goodness dripping off your brow, you are probably working at a pretty high rate. Sweat happens in reaction to your body overheating, and overheating happens when the body is working. Sweat = results.Lets move onto your breathing. Heavy breathing signals that your body is working hard. If you are on and off your phone texting and checking facebook or chatting away to your friend then this is not working hard. Work harder, breath harder, get results! 3. OvertrainingYou are probably thinking we’ve made up overtraining. How can you possibly overtrain? First of all, isnt the point of training to keep pushing yourself to be better and better until you achieve your best? Well, sure it is. But, rest and recovery are just as important as the actual training session. If you do not give your body the much-needed rest after a long series of intense workouts, then your body will not produce the lean muscle mass you want. It will actually do the opposite by burning off muscle. This is called muscle glycogen depletion. Trust us you dont want this to happen. Many times people overtrain themselves to the point of exhaustion or injury. How do you know if youre overtraining? Here are some things to look for: Over tired/lack of motivation Cranky/bad mood DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness) Do you need our help? Why not book in for a free 30 minute consultation so we can get you back on track and achieving results. please send us a direct message to your inbox to arrange a free consultation
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:52:52 +0000

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