Are you starting to feel more and more like a slave with all these - TopicsExpress


Are you starting to feel more and more like a slave with all these ridiculous laws? Well here is why. There are litteraly millions of statues and codes, but they never tell you that they only apply to you through your consent. State/federal codes, statutes, and executive orders are NOT laws. They are CORPORATE policies masquerading as common law, and they only apply to you if you contract with the corporation. To find out what the corporation is, google United States Code 28, section 3002- 15a: United States means: a federal corporation. The word federal in most older dictionaries simply means: a contract or agreement between parties. So UNITED STATES = A contract corporation. Drivers licenses, voter registrations, social security registrations, marriage licenses, etc, are all either adhesion contracts or legal titles which identify you as a corporate federal employee working for the UNITED STATES, and thereby binding you to the jurisdiction thereof. So who runs this sucker? The UNITED STATES corporation is operated by the British Crown through the District of Columbia, which was set up via act of 1871 after the civil war. The District of Columbia also has 50 subdivisions that have names just like our states in order to trick you. Each of the 50 States has 2 jurisdictions. Pennsylvania State and STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA are NOT the same jurisdiction. One is the actual physical landmass, and one is a corporate subdivision of the District of Columbia/UNITED STATES corporation. Common law jurisdiction governs sovereign people on the landmass called Pennsylvania State, but maritime admiralty law (UCC) jurisdiction governs persons who are contracted with the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA corporate subdivision. The corporate jurisdiction uses the B.A.R. association to separate you from your money through Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)/ maritime admiralty law. The organic constitution was replaced with a new one all together during the civil war. The title changed from Constitution FOR the United States to Constitution OF the United States. The original organic constitution only had 13 amendments, and the original 13th amendment (titles of nobility) kept B.A.R. association judges and attorneys from operating in America. The titles of nobility amendment was never put into the new corporate constitution. Instead, it was replaced with the new 13th amendment which claimed to abolish slavery. Also, the new 14th amendment deceptively appeared to give everybody equal rights through UNITED STATES citizenship. It instead made everybody slaves via UNITED STATES citizenship. If you claim that you are a 14th amendment UNITED STATES citizen on any applications, licenses, registrations, tax forms, etc, then you have just asked to contract with the UNITED STATES corporation, and exchange all of your rights for temporary privileges and benefits. The organic congress walked out sine die in 1861 and has never reconvened. We have been under emergency military rule ever since. This is why all presidents since Lincoln have ruled by executive order without any approval from congress. Since 1861 there is no organic congress! We have been ruled by martial law ever since the civil war, and all presidents since have all been acting as commanders in chief under emergency war powers. This is why they tell you to vote at a poll. A poll is nothing more than public opinion, and your opinion doesnt matter. Your vote DOES NOT COUNT. The B.A.R association judges and attorneys attorn your money over to the Vatican/British monarchy banks through maritime admiralty law. Statutes, codes, and acts are not organic common law, they are maritime admiralty/corporate policys, and this is why you have policy (police) enforcement officers enforcing the codes. It is NOT the duty of the police to protect us. Their job is to protect the corporation, and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahassee, 348 So.2nd. 363 Reiff v. City of Philla., 477 F.Supp. 1262 Lynch v. NC Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E.2nd. 247 Look at the U.S. flag in any courtroom or behind the president. They are not proper flags per title 4. They all have the gold fringe around the border, which denotes admiralty, as in maritime admiralty law. America is really just the modern day Roman Empire ruled by Roman civil law. Enjoy your freedom, Murica! theftbydeception.blogspot/2010/02/bar-association-history-who-owns-us.html?m=1
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:46:56 +0000

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