Arent you glad your hard earned tax dollars are going to this - TopicsExpress


Arent you glad your hard earned tax dollars are going to this agency that promises to keep you safe? Feel safer yet. Were not any safer now than we were before 9/11. This agency is proof why centralization fails. Politicians will try to fuel the flames of fear and lobby to reform this agency. The problem is that definition of the word reform from the DC perspective doesnt mean to do something differently or more efficiently.... it simply means appointing a new top level staff that is politically in line with the current administration, get more tax dollars to make these changes and pass at least 2 new bills and a half a dozen more regulations that are loaded with double speak and that in the end are designed to take more money and more freedoms from you. If the reform is bipartisan, expect to triple the price tag as well as quadruple the legislation/regulations accompanied with that reform. The only reform that will end up benefiting the people is to #abolishDHS and fully reinstate the all the Constitutional liberties that our founding fathers wanted this nation to have. An armed, alert and skilled citizenry is far more terrifying to a terrorist or criminal syndicate than an omnious centralized bureaucratic entity. For the criminals never know how much force will come from that citizen or how quick they will respond - versus knowing that that governmental body has rules of engagement and slow response times. The potential of an armed and skilled individual response time 5 - 20 seconds is a far more frightening to a criminal versus 15 - 20 minutes from law enforcement and or the government. Having said that, which model do you think is a better homeland security defense? Still not convinced, look up Yamamotos quote on why Japan was hesitant to invade America... There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. Thats your real homeland security. The #tsunami is here.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:51:15 +0000

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