Arise 5週報 2013 年8月20日/ - TopicsExpress


Arise 5週報 2013 年8月20日/ 5773年以祿月15日 在過去這幾天,泰迪和我極為享受悠閒自在的假期,也很高興能和家人共享天倫之樂。每天我和我的孫子一起吹號角---宣告神對日本的心意---這是Allen Faubion在8月10日教導我們的,我也覺得這個時候吹號角是在幫助我們預備住棚節(9月19~25日)。 神要我們從住棚節學習什麼? 常有人問我為什麼如此強調猶太節期,實際上應該說是主的節期(利未記23章),它們包括每個月的初熟果子聚會和三大節期---逾越節、五旬節和住棚節。神設計這個曆法來幫助我們更深入並經歷耶穌為我們預備的一切豐盛;我們根據神的曆法行事,就會開始越來越有神的心思意念,心理的攔阻會開始消逝無蹤,我們就真能「作首不作尾」(申命記28:13)並且經歷「神若幫助我們,誰能敵擋我們呢?」(羅8:31)。這兩個基本真理多數基督徒都知道並且認同,卻無法真正行在其中。遺憾的是當他們遇到困難,很多人就回復到舊有的思想模式開始質問神;但遵行神的曆法幫助我們破除錯誤的思維。 所以這些是如何實際運作的?以住棚節為例,並專注在其強調的兩個主要真理:一是與神團契。在這個節期,以色列人會用樹枝搭帳篷並住在裡面(利未記23:41~43),象徵主在曠野與他們同在,也渴望持續與他們相交(花時間在一起),這是神給我們(祂自己)最終命定的真理。根據啟示錄21:3---祂是我們帳幕,並將永遠與我們同住;我們也知道祂現在就渴望每天與我們團契。啟示錄3:20說祂一直站在我們的心門外叩門,要與我們一同坐席。留意住棚節可以幫助我們定睛在這個偉大的真理:神渴望日日夜夜與我們團契。 另一個重要的真理與聖靈的活水有關,當以色列人確實與主團契,神確保會為他們的作物和豐收帶來必要的雨水(亞14:17) 。有意思的是耶穌的名言…「信我的人就如經上所說:『從他腹中要流出活水的江河來(聖靈)。』」 ---約翰福音7:37~39,就是在住棚節說的。 我覺得事實是很多信徒都對「行在聖靈裡」有所掙扎,他們愛主並且完全相信祂,但是每天的經歷卻無法吻合神的心意。這就是神的曆法如此重要的原因,耶穌已經為我們成就了所有的節期,當我們留意這些節期,即可幫助我們和神的真理對齊,使其成為我們切實的經歷。神要我們與祂同行,祂也渴望與我們同行,我們越這麼做,聖靈就越能透過我們湧流出來,成為大有能力、永不止息的江河! 成功和得勝的月份! 以祿月:第六個希伯來月;共29天 (8月7日~9月4日) 要記得在整個月每天讀詩篇27篇! 對日本吹號角宣告 見8月13日週報的完整解釋--- Allen Faubion鼓勵我們在這個月每天吹號角。 • 爆破的聲音:神正在釋放聖靈大爆破的風,從日本吹向台灣、中國、亞洲內陸,接著抵達非洲。 • 帶下主的風和火:這是動員的風,不是毀滅的風。 • 除去籠罩的黑暗權勢:神氣息的風將除去黑暗權勢,並為未來世代興起光的新準則。 • 是榮耀的王進入日本的時刻:見詩篇24:7~10。 • 公義的日頭要興起:日本太陽神不再掌權,而是根據瑪拉基書4:2~3節,現在真正的日頭要在日本掌權。 第六個希伯來月的最後一天是9月4日,猶太新年(第七個月)的日曆是: 1.吹角節---提斯利月1日(9月5日)---吹號角並喚醒主的慈愛和良善(見雅歌5:2),主渴望我們更完全的進入祂的愛。 2.贖罪日---提斯利月10日(9月14日) 3.住棚節---提斯利月14~21日(9月19~25日) 神祝福你! Ron and Teddy Sawka榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡 先知性早禱會8月26日恢復 先知性早禱會(MPP)---透過Skype或Ustream (日本時間週一到週五早上6:00~6:45) 「我每日早晨要滅絕國中所有的惡人,好把一切作孽的從耶和華的城裏剪除。」(詩101:8) 「叫這光普照地的四極,將惡人從其中驅逐出來嗎?」(伯38:13) 你可以現場或隨後收看早禱會的轉播,想要在Skype連結或收到每天的信息紀錄(英文、日文和中文),請寫訊息到adcave.usana@gmail,或是連絡你所在地的Arise 5連絡人。 行程 9月1日:東京Arise5教會(預言咖啡) 9月7日:佐野初熟果子歡慶 9月8~16日:印度 9月21日:Arise5橫濱 9月27~10月9日:馬來西亞 如何接收週報 請到arise5連署訂閱每週自動接收英文、日文、中文和俄文的週報,韓文:arise5korea.wordpress。 Arise 5出版 猶大領軍現在有英文、中文、日文、俄文和韓文版。 啟動預言目前有英文、中文和日文版,俄文版將很快出版。 查詢請洽:publications@arise5 奉獻和使徒性基金支持者(AFS) (2013年奉獻$1200美金) 使徒性基金是我們團隊極重要的一部分,你們委身1200元美金的奉獻,使我們可以去ㄧ些貧窮的國家服事,並繼續傳遞異象,以及讓我們可以連結。我覺得神給我們的恩膏也延及你們,也就是說,我相信你們生命中使徒先知性的恩膏會增長。 我很樂意為你們禱告,若有需要禱告的請寄給我們代禱事項,願神祝福你們! 使徒性基金和其他奉獻的銀行詳細資訊 Arise5奉獻者和使徒性基金資訊 *加拿大:Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave.,Edmonton,AB T5S2C4 日本:CitibankJapanLtd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch,1-18-8Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku,Tokyo160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT 韓國:KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 馬來西亞:Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 俄羅斯:請來信到 russia@arise5 新加坡:POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 台灣:中國信託銀行 (銀行代號822) 彰化分行(台幣帳戶),帳號:42854-041347-0,戶名:SAWKA RONALD WADE *美國:Christian International:PO Box 9000,Santa Rosa Beach,FL32459 *加拿大和美國:請開立支票給特定機構 ,並且指定為 “Sawka Mission Fund” 奉獻 其他國家:直接轉帳請使用日本花旗銀行帳戶的資訊 日本救災/宣教奉獻---直接轉帳 為編織求生事工奉獻 編織求生事工是3月11日地震海嘯之後發展出來最令人驚奇的事工,更多相關資訊請參閱其網站:yarnalive.wordpress/或臉書Yarn Alive,為編織求生事工的震災奉獻帳號如下: Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631 Arise 5 Weekly Update Aug 20, 2013 / Elul 14, 5773 Teddy and I have been enjoying these past few days of vacation, and we’re so glad that our family has been around. Every day, my grandson and I have been blowing the shofar and have been making the declarations for Japan that Allen Faubion shared with us on August 10 (see below). I also feel that blowing the shofar is helping prepare us for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sept. 19–25). What Does the Lord Want Us to Learn from the Feast of Tabernacles? I am often asked why I emphasize the various Hebrew feasts. Actually, they should be referred to as the “feasts of the Lord” (Lev. 23), and they include the monthly first fruits as well as the three major feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. God designed this calendar as a way of helping us enter in and experience more fully all that Jesus has provided for us. As we walk according to God’s calendar, we gradually begin to think more and more like He does. The mental barriers begin to disappear—we find we are the “head and not the tail” (Deut. 28:13), and “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). Those are just two basic truths that most Christians know and agree with—yet struggle to walk in the fullness of. Unfortunately, when they run into difficulties, many revert back to their old ways of thinking and start questioning God. Walking in God’s calendar helps to break that wrong thinking. So, practically then, how does all of this work? Let’s take the Feast of Tabernacles and focus on two main truths it emphasizes. One was fellowship with God. During this feast, the Israelites were to make booths of branches and live in them (Lev. 23:41–43). It signified the Lord was with them in the wilderness, as well as that He wanted to fellowship (“hang out” or “spend time”) continually with them. This truth is God’s ultimate destiny for us (and Him). According to Revelation 21:3, He is our tabernacle and will dwell with us eternally. We also know that He wants to fellowship with us now. Revelation 3:20 states He continually stands at the door of our hearts and knocks, seeking fellowship with us. Paying attention to the Feast of Tabernacles helps us focus on this great truth—God wants to fellowship with us every day, all day (and night) long. The other key truth has to do with the water of Holy Spirit. As they properly fellowshipped with the Lord, He ensured that the rain so necessary for crops and abundance would fall on them (Zech. 14:17). It’s interesting that it was during the Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). I think the truth is that many believers struggle to “walk in the Spirit.” They love the Lord and fully believe, yet their daily experience does not meet with what they know God wants for them. This is why God’s calendar is so important. Jesus has completed all these feasts for us. As we pay attention to them, it helps our thinking line up with God’s truths, and these experiences become more fully ours. God wants us to walk with Him, and He wants to walk with us. The more we do, the more the Holy Spirit flows out of us as a mighty, unstoppable river! A Month of Triumph and Victory! Elul: The 6th Hebrew Month, 29 days (Aug. 7–Sept. 4) This month, remember to read Psalm 27 every day! Declarations for Japan by Blowing the Shofar See the August 12 update for a more complete explanation. Allen Faubion encouraged us to blow the shofar daily during this month. ▪ Sound the Explosion. A mighty blast of the Holy Spirit that will blow from Japan to Taiwan and into China, then to inland Asia, and which will reach Africa. ▪ Send Your Wind and Fire. It is a blast to deploy and not to destroy. ▪ Vaporize the Shroud of Darkness. The blast of the breath of God will vaporize the occult shroud and will raise up a new standard of light for the generations to come. ▪ It’s Time for the King of Glory to Come into Japan. See Psalm 24:7–10. ▪ The Sun of Righteousness Will Rise. “No longer will the sun god rule in Japan, but the true sun will now reign in Japan, according to Malachi 4:2–3.” The Hebrew month of Elul (the sixth month) ends on September 4. The schedule of the festivals for the new Hebrew Year (which begins in the seventh month) is as follows: ▪ Feast of Trumpets. Tishrei 1 (Sept. 5). This feast consists of blowing the shofar and awakening to the love and goodness of the Lord (Song of Sol. 5:2). The Lord longs for us to enter more fully into His love. ▪ Day of Atonement. Tishrei 10 (Sept. 14) ▪ Feast of Tabernacles. Tishrei 14–21 (Sept. 19–25) Blessings, Ron and Teddy Sawka MPP resumes Monday, Aug 26! Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Via Skype or Ustream (6:00–6:45 A.M. [Japan Time], Monday–Friday) “Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord” (Ps. 101:8). “That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?” (Job 38:13). You may watch the broadcasts live, or may view the sessions later, at To be able to connect on Skype, or to receive the daily transcripts (English, Japanese, and Standard Chinese), please send a message to adcave.usana@gmail, or to your regional Arise 5 coordinator. Schedule ▪ 9/1, Tokyo Arise 5 (Yogen Cafe) ▪ 9/7, First Fruits, Sano ▪ 9/8–16, India ▪ 9/21, Arise 5, Yokohama ▪ 9/27–10/9, Malaysia Signing Up for the Weekly Updates Sign up for our weekly email updates in English, Japanese, Standard Chinese, or Russian at arise5. For Korean, please visit arise5korea.wordpress. Donations and Apostolic Fund Supporters (AFS) ($1200 for 2013) AFS are a very important part of our team. Your commitment of the equivalent of $US 1,200 helps us to minister in some of the less affluent nations and to keep spreading the vision. It also connects or aligns you to us. I feel that the anointing the Lord has given us also extends to you. In other words, I trust it increases the apostolic and prophetic anointings in your life. Finally, we want you to know that we love praying for you. Send us prayer requests and needs as they arise. God bless! Bank Details for Apostolic Fund Supporters and Any Donations Information for Arise 5 Donors and Apostolic Fund Supporters *CANADA: Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave., Edmonton, AB T5S2C4 JAPAN: Citibank Japan Ltd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch, 1-18-8 Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT KOREA: KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 MALAYSIA: Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) RUSSIA: Please write us at: russia@arise5 SINGAPORE: POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) TAIWAN: Chinatrust 42854-041347-0 *USA: Christian International: PO Box 9000, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 *Canada and USA: Please make checks out to that particular organization and designate it to “Sawka Mission Fund.” OTHERS: Please use the Japan Citibank details for direct deposits. Disaster Relief/Evangelism Donations—Direct Deposits Yarn Alive donations may be made here. One of the most amazing ministries that has developed out of the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/11 has been Yarn Alive. Relief offerings for the ongoing ministry of Yarn Alive can be sent here. More information on Yarn Alive may be found at yarnalive.wordpress. They also have a page on Facebook. Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:31:04 +0000

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