Army General Fights in Parliament There was drama in parliament - TopicsExpress


Army General Fights in Parliament There was drama in parliament on Tuesday evening after General Moses Ali, the third deputy prime minister attempted to throw a glass of water at Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, the Kyandodo East MP. It all started after Wilfred Niwagaba, the Ndorwa East MP tasked the budget committee to produce evidence that it had consulted accountants of ministries meant to benefit from the supplementary budget schedule 2. This didn’t go down well with General Moses Ali, who also doubles as the deputy leader of government business. Ali said that he felt sorry for the MP because whatever is tabled before parliament goes through cabinet. As a result, Ibrahim Ssemujja Nganda, the Kyandodo East MP raised a point of order, which was granted by Rebecca Kadaga, the speaker of parliament. Ssemujju blasted Moses Ali accusing him of deliberately misleading the house because no consultations were made as pointed out in the minority report by Cecilia Ogwal, the Dokolo Woman MP despite the fact that he is one of the longest serving cabinet officials. His assertions drew an angry reaction from Moses Ali, who charged at Ssemujju and attempted to attack him but was restrained by Justine Lumumba, the government chief whip. He asked Ssemujju whether his position in cabinet disturbs him and worries him that much. Semujju reminded Moses Ali that parliament does not operate like the military where senior officers stifle the views of their juniors. Shortly after the incident Alice Alaso asked the speaker whether it was in order for General Ali to physically attack a member of the house. The bitter exchange between Ssemujju and Moses Ali degenerated into chaos forcing Rebecca Kadaga, the speaker to adjourn the house. Earlier on Tim Lwanga, the chairperson of the budget committee had tabled their report on the 46 billion shillings supplementary budget request by the finance minister. The money is meant to pay salary arrears of some civil servants such as teachers and police.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 07:07:45 +0000

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