Around this time last week my dad and I were chained and loaded - TopicsExpress


Around this time last week my dad and I were chained and loaded into the metal box of a jail van and moved from Chelan to Okanogan County. Not for any real crimes. We were prisoners for standing up to corruption. People were calling and praying on the outside, putting massive pressure on those corrupt officials. Still it appeared they planned to keep us. It was only jail, but it felt pretty dark in there. On the way up we remembered the men from Pilgrims Progress locked in the Dungeon of Despair. So we started singing hymns in the back of that prison van. With them courage returned and the spirit if darkness was driven back like the sun rising in heaven. When we arrived in at the Okanogan jail we stood proud with a glint of libertys defiance in our eyes. They treated us with kid gloves and barley an hour later they released us on our own recognizance. Irony, I think not. The battle is far from over. But always remember that rusty little key called promise. Polish it up and use the spirit of Christ to sharpen it into a mighty sword. We dont all agree on everything. But we can all stand stand for liberty, stand for principle. Be at peace -- Gav
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:16:33 +0000

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