Article 146 Publication #4 Plastic Bag Syndrome. In this weeks - TopicsExpress


Article 146 Publication #4 Plastic Bag Syndrome. In this weeks two part Environmental publication I document again on something that I and my team are very passionate about. Environmental welfare and how we as humans are destroying the planets fauna and flora via our own selfishness. Every five seconds one hundred thousand bags are produced globally. America leads the way in Plastic Bag Syndrome of which they churn out billions of bags per year. The majority of these plastic bags end up in landfill, in our pristine oceans or wrapped around the stomachs of Dolphins, Whales and critically endangered Turtles. Time for change must come now. International Animal Rescue Foundation undertakes every year countless surveys on the consumer. These surveys show us patterns of behavior that can be altered through education should they be seen to be harming the environment. Last year and this year we conducted surveys on one hundred individual consumers at various European and British Hypermarkets. It would seem that the majority of the public are completely unaware as to what damage their plastic bags are causing to the planet when disposed off. The reasons for this could be that hypermarkets do not want to scare their customers off with harsh facts. These facts must be told though and if we have to produce our own environmentally friendly paper bag with the clear message on then we will damn well do it. Time is ticking for our marine wildlife. So as of next year I have instructed my Environmental Team to now target all European and British Hypermarkets. The instruction is plain and simple. To educate and make aware the problems of consumer negligence. Picture in the metatag below depicts a bird that consumed many pieces of plastic. As you can see the plastic was not digested. THINK - THE THREE RS = REUSE, RECYCLE AND REDUCE Read more here Thank you Dr Josa C. Depre [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:29:35 +0000

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