Article submitted to The New York Times: Letters From Deceased - TopicsExpress


Article submitted to The New York Times: Letters From Deceased Sister Inspire Mobile App While reading some letters from twenty years ago, written by his now deceased sister, Michael Kourmoulis realized something very special. He realized that even though he had emails and text messages from his sister, Michelle, he felt more emotional over these letters. And it dawned on was because of her handwriting. For centuries, mankind used handwritten letters to communicate with others. Now, in this digital age we live in, we are losing this precious form of communication. Last year, it came out that texting was the #1 form of communication worldwide. How can something so impersonal become the #1 form of communication. What are we teaching this younger generation? Well, without losing their newfound form of communication, Grafi can bring back the personal side of our old way of communicating and combine it with this new digital age technology. Grafi, a mobile app idea of Michael Kourmoulis, will allow the user to text, email and even post on social media in their own handwriting. By attaching their handwritten font to each character on a smartphone keyboard, they will be able to enjoy the simplicity of texting and emailing like they do now. But now, it will come up in their own handwriting. Bring back the personalization of handwritten letters. But for this to happen, Grafi needs your help! Using a crowd funding site called Kickstarter, funding is being raised so that the app development company, Zappend, can be paid to actually bring this app to life. So that is where you come in! Visit the Grafi campaign on Kickstarter and choose from a list of pledge tiers that start as low as $1. Then pledge to this apps campaign. Once the campaign hits August 25, they will need to reach their goal of $25,000 or this campaign will not be a success. Delaying this app to reaching the App Store for all to enjoy. So go make a pledge today! Use this link or just go to Kickstarter and search for Grafi.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 15:06:28 +0000

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