ArtsWatch review by Graham Bell about Portland Institute for - TopicsExpress


ArtsWatch review by Graham Bell about Portland Institute for Contemporary Art TBA:13 visual program "..munity declared itself a medium..." touches on my project: "Treading a line between physical and virtual while making a case for, perhaps, a dissolution of that distinction, Krystal South’s internet-based “Identify Yourself” (idyrslf) is essentially the artist’s thoughts on identity in the internet age presented in essay format. Rife with links, embeds, image macros and .gifs, South’s personal exploration of her coming-of-age alongside the internet is one that resonates with many. Anyone who was born before the 1990s is aware of a time when the internet was not something. It makes so much sense to talk about the internet on the web. We can no longer treat it as something we must “get on”. As South says, “I don’t go on the internet; I am in the internet and I am always online.” This pervasive community (that of people using the internet in one way or another) is only trumped in size by that all-inclusive grouping of being-a-human-on-Earth. It is varied and ever-changing and totally reliant on technology to function, yet it brings together people, their knowledge and their experiences in constantly evolving and surprising ways. You belong to this community (you’re reading this online, aren’t you?) and it is still forming."
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:46:22 +0000

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