As Catholics we believe historical truth in the bible begins with - TopicsExpress


As Catholics we believe historical truth in the bible begins with Abram and his wife. All the stories before Abram teach truth but are not historical as, for example, the Civil War. Stay calm and Ill explain why Catholics believe why they do. First of all many of the events which happened in these stories reflect other cultures explanations of how life began, offended the maker and suffered the consequences. What we have is the explanation of the Chosen People of God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They ate, realized their sin and covered up! Often times we try to rationalize our sins away and cover them up. God banished them from the perfect garden - they were no longer perfect. Sin grows from disobedience to murder, Cain killed Abel. Sin develops in all the people with the exception of Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives We know that story. We can even see it on the big screen today. Everything, human life and all creatures drowned because of mans insistence upon sin rather than loving God. After the flood new life from the ark began to fill the earth once more. Following this re- population when all mankind spoke one language they set out to build a tower for themselves. They would build their tower for themselves. No mention of God. No respect again for God. With this weaving of sin in our nature we discover Abram who begins the historical journey through the bible. Do Catholics deny the authenticity of Gods word? Absolutely not. Do Catholics accept and preach the truth contained in these stories? Absolutely. Do Catholics understand these events as historical truth? No. What truth we learn is sin develops the farther we grow away from God. Pre- history has enabled our scriptures to teach our beginnings without a time frame, how sin develops and that God began again. This pre-history gave the Chosen People an answer as to their beginnings and what led up to the Father of faith, Abram (Abraham). Our catholic faith sees no need to squabble over the how of creation or the amount of time it took for creation, but upon the fact that sin leads us away from God. Sin does and has led us away from God. A Savior is going to make us one with God again. This is the Good News of salvation. All pre-history and all of the bible points us to Jesus Christ who is the TRUTH the Savior of all creation.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:16:43 +0000

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