As Christians we believe in the miracles of Jesus, but do we - TopicsExpress


As Christians we believe in the miracles of Jesus, but do we actually believe God will be in us in the same way? Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” (John 14: 12 NLT). Sometimes we act as though Christ has set an unattainable bar that we must meekly edge toward from a million miles away. “But He’s Jesus,” we offer lamely. “But Jesus is in you,” the Bible offers back. Comparing Christ’s ministry with our ministry creates a false separation. All of it is His ministry in us. There’s no glass ceiling on what that can look like. If we’re kind, that’s Him inside us. If He’s kind— that’s us. That’s the nature He has placed inside us, and it’s just waiting to get out! Jesus came to set the standard of what’s possible for a full-fleshed human being living in dependent relationship with God. He then gave us His Spirit to reach that standard with. He didn’t just give us an example or version 1.0, either. He gave us Himself. Do you really believe that the Spirit of the resurrected Christ lives inside you, or not? It’s really better than sci-fi! Even a middle-of-the-pack believer has full authority to go out and do what Jesus did. (Personally, I’m just waiting for the day when we start dodging bullets Matrix style.) Why should we expect anything less than incredible? Dawkins, Robby (2013-06-15). Do What Jesus Did: A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives Forever (pp. 158-159). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 03:24:57 +0000

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