As I am getting money out of ATM after dropping Em at seminary a - TopicsExpress


As I am getting money out of ATM after dropping Em at seminary a car speeds up in parking lot next door to the bank. Screams shrill out loud. Then passenger door opens and a woman is thrown out. I fumble for my mace and hand knife in my purse. Something takes over me and I jet out of my car. Running towards the car the guy starts to get out but slams his door and speeds off. I try to memorize license plate. I go over to help her and she is in bad shape. I get her into my car. She swears she doesnt want to call the cops. I begin to listen to her sob and tell what I call the battered song. I comfort her and take her to her mothers house and leave her my card and a pass along card. I get into my driveway and play this song. All my memories flood back. The abuse, the horrible sights I saw living in the ghetto, the nights I slept awake in fear for my life, the abuse of multiple men pulling me out of my car, the over 30 medical bills that I never turned him in, and the countless nights I prayed to God that if he would show me how to act my boyfriend would love me and not hit me. I never turned him in until my son was born. I am surprised I even am able to be close with a man. She wont press charges because she wants him to one day love her. This song reminds me of my breakthrough of getting away alive. Please pray for this woman to find her way before it is too late. I am waiting on cops to file a report. Although I know she will say nothing happened and it was an accident. Not my first rodeo. I have to try. Please pray. Abuse is all around us.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:24:39 +0000

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