As I approach my 3 Year Lungaversary I think back over the past 4 - TopicsExpress


As I approach my 3 Year Lungaversary I think back over the past 4 years of how different everything was at this time each year. I go from being on my death bed in 2012 to going back to school at the University of Guelph in 2013. From being in hospital for rejection treatment (although unsuccessful) in 2014 to being back at school once again this time at Lambton College and living a slightly limited life at 25% FEV1 (function capacity). What resonated with me the most is that even though today I am not where I would have hoped to be health or education wise - I AM ALIVE. Just 4 years ago I was told I probably wouldnt live out the next 6 months. And here I am 48 months later. Yes there have been ups & downs, good days & bad days. News I never wanted to hear and surprised I could have never imagined. But the best part of it all is that I am living to experience each and every day because of my transplant. So to those who are on the fence about organ donation and how well it works - especially with rejection rates and surgery complications - just ask me and I can share with you all the things I have accomplished since my transplant. Ill be the first to admit that its not all good, I havent spent everyday happy, carefree and bubbly - but I have spent each day living and being alive. I struggle to find the words to convey how truly amazing it is to go from being told you are basically a ticking time bomb, waiting on a transplant or death - whichever reached you first - to being able to look back on the past 3 years and know that you wouldnt have had any of those experiences without acing received a transplant. So I ask you, look back 3 years, on all you have done and accomplished and ask yourself is 3 years really all that significant in the grand scheme of things? Did you do things you never thought you would? Are you planning for next year? 5 years down the road? Saving up for a big purchase? All these things wont be achieved if youre not alive. So yes, 3 years is a huge timeframe to be given as extra life to live. And I hope to add another 3 years...heck lets hope for 30 years with the help of a 2nd transplant. And yet transplant cant happen without donors. And donors dont exist unless you start the conversation, share your thoughts with loved one and REGISTER your consent/wishes in the online database. You have the opportunity to be a hero. To save someones life. To add tomorrows to a life that without you would be over. You have all that power within you...all you have to do is spend 2 minutes, online with your health card, to be a hero. #BeADonor #BeAHero #SaveALife
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:22:22 +0000

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