As I posted yesterday after 15 weeks of hard work, deep enjoyment, - TopicsExpress


As I posted yesterday after 15 weeks of hard work, deep enjoyment, and a new, never before experienced level of mental dedication, I hit my training goals set within my 16 week transformation programme. It has been quite simply the most satisfying thing I have ever achieved. I don’t want people to think I’m some shallow, egoistical individual in that all I care about is a surface level enjoyment of looking buff, because its not. In fact if I cared that much about the way I looked on the beach I would have done this before. The simple fact is that I never cared enough. I always loved being healthy, lifting heavy shit, feeling purposeful outside the gym. But I never took that final step to achieve something extraordinary with my body .. and at the same time my mind. Until now. I’m happy to sit here and without any fear of feeling arrogant or conceited I know I have done something extraordinary, but this lies well away from the six-pack I have somehow managed to find! Over the 15 weeks of struggles, battles with my brain telling me I can’t do this, a huge fear of failure, set backs, but most importantly some life-changing breakthroughs, the one thing which has remained constant is a new level of determination, one which I never really believed lay within me. I’ve helped 000’s of people transform themselves. I’ve now done this with myself. And I think I’m getting some sort of grasp on what leads to success. The 10 things I see in those who achieve great things with transforming themselves: 1. The reasons you believe this hasn’t worked in the past are wrong 2. Understand your ‘why’ 3. End goal visualization 4. ‘Model’ others 5. Develop an Athlete’s mindset 6. A progressive plan 7. Find accountability 8. That moment you ‘know’ you have this 9. What this means to the rest of your life? 10. Creating that ‘End goal’ experience Hopefully me using a case study will help you relate to each of these stages. This person is happy for me to share their story. This person is just like you!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:41:52 +0000

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