As I sit here and think on the past year my heart is so full. We - TopicsExpress


As I sit here and think on the past year my heart is so full. We have had a full of ups and full of downs but with every up And every down there was a blessing with it. To be honest I did not know if I would ever be able to make it through the year. I Remember sitting at the doctors office feeling that same feeling that I felt deep inside when they told us Callie was so sick. As a mother I believe and our doctor believes that mothers know they sense things anyway when we went in i knew that something wasnt right. When the dr came in and sat down with a paper and chart I knew. I sat there listening to him but really not thinking of what the outcome was gonna be! He told us he wanted to consult with other doctors and he would call us and tell us what the options were, the day I heard the phone Ring and saw Dr. sallees name I knew deep down that it wasnt good, and as you all know he told us Callie had to have open heart surgery she would never live if she didnt have it but 99.9% she wouldnt make it through being out to sleep. Again in our journey with Callie we had to put our total trust and faith in the LORD and that his will would be done in her life! In one of the darkest times in our life I watched GOD move in such a mighty way than words cannot explain, I always knew GOD had a planned in Callies life, but through this year I have seen that plan unfold more and more! As we were going into the hospital the day of Callies pre op and admission we got a call from a sweet lady named Holly Ranney & she wanted to meet with us when Callie got out of the hospital, she told us she wanted to come and do a room makeover for Callie. Callie was beyond excited and she talked about it all day and everyday until she came. We came home from the hospital and met with holly and Pete with sunshine on a Ranney day, when they came and explained to us all that was gonna happen Callie and I and our family were so overwhelmed with emotion, excitement, happiness & joy that we felt like we were going to explode, not only did sunshine on a Ranney day want to do a room makeover for Callie but another sweet lady that was devoted her life to helping special kids was allowing her husband to ride his bicycle from Nyack, New York to Gainesville for our sweet Callie, someone we had never met, never talked to, how could they show such love for our family. Through this journey GOD has increased our family with precious loving and caring people that we wouldve never met if it hadnt been for our sweet Callie, through the darkest, saddest time of our loves GOD showed us just what part of his plan is for Callies life, I always knew that Callie loved people and everyone and everybody and through this journey with sunshine on a Ranney day and ride to give Callie has been able to share her love for the LORD, her faith, & her strength in him! She has been able to make over 24,000 friends that we call family. We are beyond blessed! Everyday of her life is full of struggles but with all of you and your sweet comments and encouragement help us get through each day! I want to thank each and every one of you for following Callie and loving her and our family, we look forward to spending and sharing 2015 with all of you! Callie has told me over and over that her wish of 2015 is to meet as many followers and to Spread her love for the LORD and to share the love The Lord has put in her with all of her followers, we love you all and we want you to know we pray daily for each and every one of you and we hope you have a blessed new year! And Im so thankful for the things that GOD has showed me in 2014 and I look forward to what he is going to show me in 2015 and Im so blessed to have sweet Callie, 3 other wonderful daughters, 2 amazing son in laws, 3 amazing granddaughters, 1 Grandbaby on the way, and a wonderful godly loving giving husband and amazing Facebook family! I wouldnt trade my life for anything in the world!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:58:32 +0000

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