As I sit here and watch the news about the shooting in Missouri I - TopicsExpress


As I sit here and watch the news about the shooting in Missouri I can help but but express my feelings. For far to long police have hidden behind the badge of power and corruption. The badge should be seen as a sign of safety and protection. But the notion of, the 10% is what makes the 90% look bad. However this sword slices both ways. Our youth are exterminating each other and everyone turns a blind eye. Its always the sentiment, snitches get stitches that keeps communities from standing united. This incident in Missouri is awful but you remove the sadness behind it and the purpose for your protest when you loot and destroy property that had nothing to do with the incident. I send my deepest condolences and will not make judgement of what actually happened. Cause like the rest of the world, I was not there. Lets stand united to rid our streets of gang bangers and drug dealers and rapists and abductors and people who abuse their families and the corrupt police officers that hold that 10% of wrong in our society. Now that the world is set on police brutality lets set our sights on human brutality. Let our nation from the east to west, north to the south stand united and step up to putting protect and serve back in the hands of the 90%. Just my thoughts.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:17:33 +0000

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