As I sit here in front of Atlantas Historic Friendship Baptist - TopicsExpress


As I sit here in front of Atlantas Historic Friendship Baptist Church scenes from the past flood my mind. It is a bit un-settling in that a lot that is coming before me happened long before I was born into this expression. It is as if time has gone back to the beginning of our ancestors in this community well over a hundred and fifty years ago. I can see the men, women, boys and girls walking to and fro along Mitchell St in garments of long ago, coming to this place by the hundreds. Among this aggrgation are those who are wearing clothes that are of the early 19th century as well as doing the period after my birth. I am now beginning to see the faces of many that I have known , loved and respected. There is a sadness on their faces. There is also a wailing and moaning like Ive never experienced. This kind of experience is not knew to me just the magnitude of it is so different. I have felt the presence of the ancestors here for a long time now but yesterday began a new level of awareness of their presnce for me in this sacred space. As we gathered here on Friday night there was the most un-usual gathering of clouds over this building that took on the shapes of faces. It was if they were saying to us, we are here. As our came to a close the clouds dissipated into thin air. I had been praying for the opportunity to go inside one more time and believe it or not it happened. The security guard out of the blue asked if Id like to go in and the rest is history. I have pictures to prove it. I invite you to join us here this Sunday evening at 7pm for what will probably be our last Sunday Vigil with the structure still standing. Please come and let us as a community say farewell to this our friend. Ashe
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:53:20 +0000

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