As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the - TopicsExpress


As Salaamun Alaikum Sisters and Brothers, The Women in the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad were also a part of the Plan of Allah. They were not just there for having children and house cleaning as many learned individuals would have us to believe. Our wives are not “Maids”…they are our “Mates”…they are not our “Property” they are our “Partners”. Please understand that I am not asking you to become followers of the individuals who may be giving the lectures. I am trying to provide as much evidence and information available so that we can see the Quran, the Prophet and Islam without blemish. We need to rely on our own heart and soul so that we can be pleased with Allah’s Plan. It is very beautiful when you get the full picture instead of HIS-Story! And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper? We are going to start with the chronological order in which the Quran was revealed and whenever we come across a verse that refers to women directly, we will go into the Tafsir of the verse if it is available…in-shaAllah! But first, I need individuals to understand that there are many verses that start with: “O you who believe!” or “The Believers…” etc…..These verses apply to women and men and we will reveal the Tafsir of those that are tied to our topics: Women in the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad, Domestic Violence, Abuse and Status of Women in Islam Please join the group “Women in the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad” and participate as much as possible and keep it clean and respectful. All new information will be posted in the group and then posted to other groups later. Those members in the group will have first looks at information posted. We will also be posting a four-page list of the Quran with the order of how it was revealed according to chapters! We will begin with the first Chapter is to be revealed is “The Clot: 98”. There are no verses that speak directly to women…but…the verses speak to oppression! The verses speak to all of us to “Not Obey” anyone who tries to stop us from worshipping our Lord! In my humble opinion, this verse reveals why the Prophet Muhammad would not give men the permission to tell their wives not to go to the Masjid when they choose to participate in worship and the Causes of Allah. A question we need to ask ourselves is this: Did the Prophet Muhammad say: “praying in the home is better than praying in the Masjid” because the women were the problem, or, because the “MEN” were the problem? History of the Quran and the Arab people of that time says that the “MEN” were the problem as we shall see later. The hadith from the Prophet Muhammad in reference to women praying at home was a means of warning the women against the wickedness of the men primarily…in my humble opinion. Please take the survey and let us find out how well we understand the Quran and the Life of Prophet Muhammad! mirahchelle.polldaddy/s/how-well-do-we-treat-women-in-our-places-of-worship
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:39:40 +0000

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