As a Kurdish woman I dream of waking up one day and not hearing or - TopicsExpress


As a Kurdish woman I dream of waking up one day and not hearing or seeing my people killed, massacred, raped, kidnapped and trafficked and bombed. How much pain can we endure as a community? How many wars, how many massacres and genocides can they enact on us simply because of our ethnicity? WHY is asking for basic human rights SUCH a wrong thing? Why is wanting to live in peace and security such a sin? Why is the blatant, obvious and repetitive injustices against us not cause for worldwide outrage? Is it because we are not Arab and Palestinians? Who are we supposed to turn to in our hour of need? the Arab world who could not care if we were wiped out of existence? The West and the so called civilised world who repeatedly betrays our trust in their so called human rights values? NATO who harbours Turkey and its huge military prowess against the Kurds wanting autonomy and human rights but not ISIS? UN who is shamelessly silent and ineffective? The US? And Turkish troops who not only watched as ISIS advanced into the streets of Kobani, but also prevented Kurds in Turkey from crossing the border to join the fight. But meanwhile the turkish fighter jets have bombarded PKK positions in south-eastern Turkey, while pkk is actually fighting against Isis? Instead of bombarding Isis they bombard pkk and? How cruel is this? And I know that not everything what PKK does is good but they have no choice left. If they are constantly being oppressed by a hypocritical government. Who are we supposed to turn to? WHO? No one, we only have ourselves. We are closer than ever.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:44:36 +0000

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