As a dad, it was quite heartwarming, to say the least, when I - TopicsExpress


As a dad, it was quite heartwarming, to say the least, when I stumbled across a Thanksgiving post my daughter (Natasha Goodship) had written on her personal FB page; I wanted to share it with you here, in parenthesis below: [I am so thankful. I am thankful for so many people in my life, mine and my family & friends health, my incredible family & friends alone, my amazingly handsome and humble husband. I am greatly thankful for the people in my life who keep me in check, keep me on earth and keep me humble. Im thankful for Gods daily reminder to me about remaining compassionate always and keeping integrity first... for being given the gift of life at all. I am whole heartedly in love and passionate about my job and the people who grace me daily as a part of that. For those of you who know me and my gift to talk *blushes* know I could go on and on. Picking the important things to be thankful for is hard, especially when Im thankful for simply everything. I give thanks where thanks is due...daily. Thanksgiving isnt the only time I try to reflect on what in my life I am grateful for. As my dearest friend and partner in crime Kellie Leyen would say....I feel blessed right to my socks! So with that....Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Enjoy the beautiful weather, enjoy your families and love one another passionately.] ... end of post. ***I was on Natashas stepmothers FB page, at the time, and felt the urge to sneak in a loving fatherly reply: [This is your dad Tash, for some unknown reason, I jumped onto Vickis FB page and then looked you up. Just wanted to say how proud I am of you and how wonderful it is that your heart continually reveals itself in such an integral manner. One of my favorite quotes is, Change is inevitable but change starting with self is worthy of applause, and your speech at any time, identifies that you live by this principle, otherwise, you would be unable to see others in the unselfish manner you do, nor would you be able to capture the true meaning of thanksgiving as you do; you are very special, wonderful, admired, appreciated, respected and loved by your incredible blessing. xoxoxox]
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:58:55 +0000

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