As a father I often lose sight and worry about my children and - TopicsExpress


As a father I often lose sight and worry about my children and forget that God is in control of everything we do and everything in our lives. Many times it takes my wife Lucy Martinez to remind me that I need to continue to offer my worries up and he will always watch over us. Those of you that know me personally know my son Ben and how special of a kid he is, but like a father I still worry that as parents Have we set a solid foundation of who he needs to be and how he should always put God first? All those that are parents know how difficult it is to get through to a teenage kid. I was amazed again at that the power of God when I received this video and it brought us to tears and just when you think all is lost, God speaks to you through your kids...all you have to do is listen. We never speak of this but Ben was called to share his personal testimony to hundreds of high school students at Field of Faith and he never questioned his calling nor thought of saying no...God is Good!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:04:09 +0000

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