As a pacifist people always think they have the winning argument - TopicsExpress


As a pacifist people always think they have the winning argument by bringing up Hitler. Well what would you so about Hitler? Just let him exterminate the Jews? See pacifism doesnt work. Sometimes they use Stalin and if they know more than two historic basis they bring up Pol Pot. If they are informed enough to bring up Idi Amin then I at least consider they might not just be regurgitating what they have been fed. No matter the personification of evil they choose the answer is always the same just appropriately contextualized: listen to what people say. Genocide cant be done alone and requires selling the plan to the people who will carry it out. Act preemptively to remove the charismatic catalyst through reasonable legal frameworks and you will avoid genocides and the wars to end them. So. Pay attention. Here is the pacifist moment, because as much as one side claims their enemies deny their existence and want to eradicate them... That side is in fact in the position to and in the process of annihilating their enemy. Who is more dangerous? The rattlesnake or the mamba? Both are poisonous but only one has the courtesy to tell you their true plan.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:54:38 +0000

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