As a presidential candidate Im going to go out on the limb here - TopicsExpress


As a presidential candidate Im going to go out on the limb here and talk about the second most problem we have in the country; second to jobs is the Congressional Black Caucus. Nobody in congress ever mentions it as they dont want to go down that road and be labeled a racist. When MOST of these members got out and campaigned for their re-election into the House, these candidates promised their constitutes that they were going to have the government provide them in more of the form government subsidies. They claim that raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy will give them the funds they need to fund these new entitlement programs and that these fat cats need to pay their fare share. In the mean time there is a once booming factory sitting abandoned in the background behind these candidates. Not once did these candidates ever turn towards those buildings and say: You see that building behind me? That factory once provided you with a good job, insurance, and a pension. I will bring jobs back to these buildings so you dont have to rely on congress year after year for the survival of these programs. I will lower taxes on everyone so you have more money to spend or invest and your factory will be able to grow and hire more people. But these were the same politicians that campaigned for this factory to pay more state tax, city tax, and in some places there was an urban rebuilding tax and not to mention the cap and trade tax.. These same candidates are the ones responsible for running the businesses out of their communities. But these candidates dont see it that way. Then when there is a member of the Black Caucus or a black member of congress who believes that jobs is the number one propriety for the black communities and that the taxes need to be lowered, this member is accused of being an Uncle Tom not properly representing the black communities. Being accused of catering to the white man ideas. It bring tears to my eye when these members of congress believe that these people in their districts are not capable of holding jobs because they dont campaign for jobs just for more subsidies. It brings tears in my eyes when these members of congress believe the children in their communities cant learn because these candidates dont push for teacher quality but instead push for protection of teachers who cant teach. It brings tears to my eyes when I see a line of people 3 abreast two city blocks long applying for a job that has only 20 openings. That tells me these people in their districts dont give a damn about food stamps but instead they want to work for a living not be given handouts. But their members in congress dont want to see it. These people in their districts who are Americans are no different than anyone else who is an American. These people in their districts want to get up in the morning, go to work and build, design or manufacture something and feel productive. They just like anyone else want to look a at a building, or see an appliance in a store, a new home, an aircraft flying overhead, or a car going down the road and say: Yea, I build that. Feeling proud about yourself to where other people enjoy the items you made is not a white thing or a black thing, its a human thing. So to the members of the Black Caucus, your constitutes want jobs! Not handouts! So if anyone calls me a racist because I disagree with the Black Caucus on how they represent their districts, will then every night when I go to bed Ill have a smile on my face.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 07:10:39 +0000

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