As a result of my barrage of postings on the Gaza conflict, I feel - TopicsExpress


As a result of my barrage of postings on the Gaza conflict, I feel compelled to offer a quick overview of my point of view and where I am coming from lest any of my Jewish or Israeli friends feel offended: I could not respect Jews or Jewish culture more than I do. If I had to choose a religion for my children it would probably even be Judaism frankly. I have been the country five times, I know the history better than most. My postings or comments are in no way anti-Semitic nor are most of the ones I have seen on my friends posts. I believe in Israels right to exist. I believe Hamas is a terrorist organisation. What I dont believe in is Israel being so blind as to compromise their image and existence by asinine, self-defeating and discredited policies that can only lead to ruin. One can like a nation, a country, and not support their policies. In the end that is more honest than blind nationalism that brings no good end. The situation there although it seems confusing really boils down to three things: Israel can be a democracy, Israel can have all the biblical land, Israel can be a Jewish state - but it cant have/be all three. So something has to give somewhere. Once you understand that, you understand everything. But make no mistake, a country that used to be a beacon of stability, high-mindedness, prosperity, and pragmatism, has deteriorated into a pariah state and you have the current Israeli leadership to thank for that. I am sure I will get a lot of hostile responses to this as the zealots always turn up like clockwork, but you consider these issues thoughtfully without simply adopting the standard Israeli talking points, you will see that there are many points of view and someplace in the middle is the truth
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:06:06 +0000

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