As a society, weve popularized the term bully. Im desensitized to - TopicsExpress


As a society, weve popularized the term bully. Im desensitized to the word myself now and often tune out. Yesterday, I discovered a college friend died. How he died is none of my business. How he lived and was treated should have been my business. My friend worked at a small town church where he fulfilled his lifes dream in the ministry. He loved God and loved worshiping Him through music. Thats all he wanted to do. Last year, 20 years after college, we had lunch together. He told me of the harassment he had received at the hands of people of faith in his own congregation for what they perceived him to be. He feared for his life. One church member threatened him with, Im coming into this church and shooting you, while another called him stereotypical effeminate names and told him he was going to come to his house and show him Gods justice. My friend was so depressed because he was simply trying to do Gods work and have a private, uninterrupted relationship with the faith and God that he had so loved and connected to in his childhood. While death is confusing and I cant question God for why some die, I can use words to hopefully change one mind and make some sense out of this death. You may be a person of faith and say, Oh, my church is very loving, and we would never say or do anything like that. Remember, there is a difference in friendly and all-welcome and affirming and loving. A huge difference. When people come to church, they are there for their one-on-one relationship with God. Period. They are not there to have you interrupt their worship. They may be there to find the reconciliation for whatever they are dealing with in their personal life. Let people find God and dont let your perception of religious freedom get in the way. Religious freedom is the joy, exuberance and love that I find in Christ. To worship and love Him in a way that marries my past with my present. The freedom to worship, sing, pray, love and serve without judgement or fear. Love the sinner, hate the sin is a ever-appearing cliché, but its time we love all people and work on our OWN sin. My friend didnt find that religious freedom in his small town. What couldve I done to change that? What can you do? I love you all. Brian.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:30:06 +0000

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