As deep as the sea episode 70(final episode) Hello, Promise - TopicsExpress


As deep as the sea episode 70(final episode) Hello, Promise love, why are you doing this to us? This isnt Promise, this is Boma Etuk. There was silence at the other end of the line. Hello... Who are you? I want to speak to Promise. I am Boma Etuk, Promises future husband. She looked at him in shock. What did he just say? When did Boma become her future husband? What? What are you talking about? Please stop calling and disturbing my fiancée. Go home to your wife and children. Future husband? Promise is your fiancée?! How? This is pure nonsense. Dont dare me Mr. Keshinro. If you fail to desist from your devilish and obsessive acts, I will not hesitate to sue you for attempted murder, kidnapping and all sorts of other crimes you committed while dating Promise. You... You cant be serious. Promise is mine. Please let me speak to her. Mr. Keshinro, let this be the last time you will ever call her and if you are seen as close as ten feet to her, you will be arrested and jailed. I... I... I cant believe this. You... You cant do this. Goodbye Mr. Keshinro, he cut the call and returned the phone. Thank you. You are welcome, he got up, Give me a minute, he walked out of the sitting room. Promise sighed with relief. She wished she had opened up to him sooner. She believed that Keshinro would never disturb her again. He must devastated and scared. God had answered her prayers. Boma returned and sat beside her. Do you remember the day you wanted to steal my pot of soup? She started to laugh. Why was he bringing that up? Yes, I do. Do you remember when I said I wished you could stay here forever? She stopped laughing, their gazes locked. Yes, I remember. He took one of her hands and held it. I still do. She felt warm all of a sudden. I have known you as a colleague and a friend for a while. As far as I am concerned, I know you well enough to be sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. She opened her mouth and closed it. Her heart began to hammer wildly against her chest. What was he saying? Was he out of his mind? Boma got down from the settee and went down on one knee. His actions made her breathless. She took in a long deep breath and exhaled. Promise Daodu, will you marry me? He held her left hand and slipped a golden ring on her fourth finger. She stared back at him. Was he crazy? Why would he want to marry her? Was the fact that they had strong feelings for each other enough to tie the knot? Was this what she wanted? He was a good friend. She had always wanted to marry someone she could call a friend. He had always been there for her, no matter how often she withdrew from him. They were intensely physically attracted to each other and somewhere along the line, she had fallen in love with him, but, she had been too scared to admit it because of the fear that he might not accept her past. What more was she looking for? Wasnt this an answer to all her prayers? Promise, since the day you walked into TL Communications, there had been a strong earth shattering chemistry between us. Aside that, you struck me as the kind of girl I would love to marry. Over the past few months, I fell in love with you. Tear drops made her face wet, I am in love with you too. Joy and excitement made his face to glow, Fantastic! I believe we can grow in love together, forever, a day at a time. I believe so too. Will you marry me? My knee is aching me, he rolled his eyes. She began to laugh. Yes, I will marry you, Boma Etuk. He pulled her down to her knees and crushed her in his arms. I love you Promise, you are my dream come true. She bit at her lower lip, unable to speak. God was indeed faithful. He had answered her prayers. He forgave her, healed her wounds, mend her heart and brought along her way a gift; someone she could spend the rest of her life with. Boma swept her off her feet and carried her in his arms. Boma! She squealed in surprise. You are mine, he got to his feet and spinned her round and round. THE END
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:19:39 +0000

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