As most of you know a little over two months ago the family was - TopicsExpress


As most of you know a little over two months ago the family was hit with the horrible news like many families are hit with. That a loved one who they love dearly has been hit with Cancer. A word I very strongly dislike. Grandma is a fighter. The very same words that came out of the hospice nurse. The family is in. From day to day I would ask for prayer for grandma trusting and believing God could heal her if it be his will. So many sleepless tights and years have been shed. Not once have we lost our faith as a family. A good while back grandma was in a car accident and she had broken her neck. The doctors came to us and acted as if we would likely to see her again. One by one we went in a hotel room and prayed! The spirit of The Lord came down and fused her neck the right distance together so the doctors could perform the surgery the next day. We fully believe that God can do anything. Why? Weve seen him do the impossible over and over and over. I set typing on this cold night I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support. Ive asked so many times, and its because we value them during this time. Right when I would ask God and you guys to pray for peace The Lord sent us peace. I had you guys pray yesterday and she woke up from almost a comatose state and begin talking. She even ate. So tonight as family are gathered around my last prayer is for grace and peace in the days to come. Some people Facebook friends arent real. I could easily prove them wrong. Weve had thousands of prayers for grandma! Right this situation is in the hands of God like it has been from day one. So this may be the last time I ask for this situation of life we are in. Pray for Grace, Peace, and Strength. I wish I could reach out and hug each and everyone of you who has taken the time to show my grandma love. She is one amazing person. From the bottom of my heart. Thanks
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:18:00 +0000

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