As much as I hate the foot dragging and infighting within - TopicsExpress


As much as I hate the foot dragging and infighting within Congress, its the system that we have. We dont allow our judges to be the jury and/or executioner and we shouldnt allow this one man to make decisions that effect the entire nation on his own, whether those decisions be right or wrong. I would have the same opinion regarding any of our past presidents. When one man thinks that much of themself, their ideas and their own personal agendas, its time for them to go. If we allow it to continue, then we might as well burn our constitution on the capital steps and start over from scratch. Its time for the citizens of this great nation to stand up and call for an all out impeachment of Barack Obama and not back down until hes ultimately removed from office. If it takes a 1963 MLK type march on Washington, then so be it. The people MUST be heard and this man is not listening to any tune but his own and is totally self consumed. Thats dangerous my friends. We can no longer be complacent and think that it will eventually get better. It will not..... and complacency will do nothing but leave our children in turmoil and ruin. Its time for the American peoples voices to be heard and act if we must. Thats the very foundation that our great country was built upon............
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:34:42 +0000

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