As my 33rd birthday next Monday quickly approaches, (*cough* - TopicsExpress


As my 33rd birthday next Monday quickly approaches, (*cough* *gag* WHAT?!) this is the first time I can say Im actually on track with making my dreams into achievable goals. The biggest goal, the most important to me, is the one I usually fail at YEARLY. The goal of losing weight and being in great shape by my birthday. I make grand goals only to fizzle out quickly and go right back to old habits. But, not this year. Im not quite there yet, but Im on the path I set out on many months ago. Sticking with the training is making me stick to my other goals. Its the glue that holds it all together. And Im thoroughly enjoying it. Ive accomplished many things this year. Lost more than Ive ever lost and Ive gained a lot of knowledge about myself. I know who I am, who I want to be, and who I never want to be again. Losing love, especially the real thing, is life altering. It commands you to be a better man. A better human being. To right your wrongs and make sure you become the person you should be and not the one youve become. A valuable lesson indeed. With those life changing epiphanies, came a reigniting of my thirst for knowledge to a solar hot level. Most of that was do to my obsession with Cosmos and all things Universe related. Opening my mind in such a way made me realize many things I once thought were impossible for someone like me,could come to fruition with just a little old fashioned hard work. And hard work is becoming significantly easier. Passionate and driven are words that describe me now. And not just in my work, but in everything I do. I had to laugh last night as an entertainer told me that my coworker Chris Throgmorton said I was clean and organized. Those that know me from just a few years ago will laugh at that. The guy that had 4 loads of laundry sitting on his dusty turntables and pizza boxes everywhere? So, I guess we all grow up sometime. Even this man-child. In the end, this lengthy post is just a thank you to all who have been there for me as Ive ventured through the dark period in my journey. Its been a helluva ride. And the wealth of material its created for my writing endeavors is quite impressive. Even reading it myself, I have to laugh. As the storm outside comes rolling in, Im putting on my favorite movie to continue my contemplation of this thing called Life. Thanks for reading this sentimental old fools musings. :D
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:38:57 +0000

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