As of late yesterday evening Little Mama was well. No more falling - TopicsExpress


As of late yesterday evening Little Mama was well. No more falling at this point with the new house shoes. Rang the new year in alone and then went to bed. Thunder won their basketball game in an overtime and I was too tired from playing with them to be anything but grateful to lie down. :) Going to Kathy and Ashs house at noon to eat New Years Day lunch with them. I was grateful for the invitation. Horrible weather around here. Ice storm in parts of the state. Still praying it does not impact me or mine. Ill take snow. Please just snow. even sleet. Just no ice on the power lines and trees. ugh Im over halfway finished with my WIP. Ended a chapter last night. I have had the worst time getting invested in this book. I think theres too much real emotion in my own life for me to have any left over for the story. Its getting better and Im finally happy with the characters, but Im going back through it today and adding the depth it didnt have. It is a fine line writers walk between fiction and just enough reality for the readers to connect with the characters. If I dont like them, then I assume the readers wont either. But I THINK what I dont like right now is whats going on in my world. You know... having any member of your family dealing with health issues really screws with a mamas head, and then theres Little Mama, whos situation breaks my heart. I just keep telling myself this too shall pass because it will. It always does. Thats how life works. In the meantime, I must create magic on paper even when I dont feel all magical. I bought some fairy dust (in cute little bottles with a star wand and everything) for fun for my granddaughters Christmas stockings. Maybe I need to sprinkle a little of that on me. Dont laugh. Im not above doing it. :) So... its time to gather up my stuff and go to Kathys. Scout is still with his dad and family out of state. It will be her and Ash and me and the fur babies. I will take pictures of Geenie and TicTac in their little beds... if TicTac will bother to get her head out from under the covers long enough for me to do it. She hates this cold and only ventures out from under the covers and off the sofa when she has to go outside, and THEN, they still have to carry her because, well, the ground is cold and shes precious and you... you know how that goes. :) Today is the beginning of a new year. Dont screw it up.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:54:55 +0000

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