As of yesterday the US middle class is no longer the most affluent - TopicsExpress


As of yesterday the US middle class is no longer the most affluent middle class in the world. We have been overtaken by Canada.....yeah, Canada. What does this mean? America pretty much created the idea of a strong middle class. A country with the bulk of the population affluent enough to buy the products that they themselves manufacture. A population that not only drives the countrys economy, but drives the trade with other countries. Our president said just last week, The middle class is in good shape. It is rock solid. What he meant was that the plan for the middle class is in good shape. Right on track. So what happened? Why is our middle class dying? Of course, it is partly driven by automation and advances in technology. An assembly line that once took 100 people now takes 20. Where it once took dozens of men to operate a coal mine, it now takes five or six. The solution should be simple. Just build new factories, and manufacture different stuff. But no one is going to build a factory if they cannot make money. That is what it is all about. They blame the rich for all of the evils of this country, but in fact those rich people pay your salary. I have never been handed a paycheck signed by a guy with a hole in his pants. Government regulations pretty much make it impossible to start a business today. EPA regulations. OSHA regulations. Labor regulations. Now Obamacare. Yes, we want clean water, clean air, and do not want our land polluted. Im not talking about that. Im talking about regulations so restrictive that it is nearly impossible to run a business with them. Regulations with manmade climate change in mind. Though it has been proven that manmade climate change was a hoax, that the data that proved it was all lies. Yet the Democrats in our government talk as if it were still real. Why would anyone want to build factories in the US? Especially when you can build them literally in any other country in the world without the problems intentionally created by the US government. Welcome to the world created by the Democrat party. I call it Obamaville, but that is deceptive. It isnt about a man, it is about an ideology. Barack Obama is just one more progressive in a long line of progressive presidents who have taken power from the states and the people and given it to themselves. Men who each played their own part in getting us to the point we are today. This started over 100 years ago, IT IS NOT NEW!!! The ultimate goal is a people totally and completely controlled by the government. A government controlling what you make, what you eat, what you believe, what you are allowed to know. And controlling how you raise your children. This isnt George Orwell. This isnt science fiction. It is here, it is now. Whether you want to believe it or not, America is now a socialist country, with 70% more people drawing government entitlements than are working. Yeah, I know. None of us want to admit it. But we have been spoon-fed socialist ideas and policies for the past 80 years. When people cried out THIS IS SOCIALISM, they were attacked by the left, and made out to be the villains. You hate poor people. You hate black people. You hate women. You hate children. We are helping people and you are trying to stop us! Well.....much, much evil has been done in this world in the name of helping people. Probably most evil if the truth be known. And the left wants to open the border and allow millions more people in. An uneducated people that will be willing to believe whatever they say. And will be quite happy to vote for them. Indeed, THAT is what its all about. Staying in power. Causing you to lose your job and need government assistance, forcing you to be dependent on them.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:33:37 +0000

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