As our Edgertons group approaches the Panama Canal (arrival around - TopicsExpress


As our Edgertons group approaches the Panama Canal (arrival around 7:30 tomorrow morning), reflections on Michianas Ruth. Yesterday, pushing 90, she became the oldest person to ever do all 10 stages of the zip line our we did in Costa Rica, including one stage that was 300 yards of high speed cable. Marty, Mike, and Joe from our group were there with me to help her as the hardest part at times was the hikes up hills to next stages. I didnt do this by myself, she said. I had help from these men! Our guide, Edgar of Costa Rica, at times took it easy so she could catch her breath. Ruth said she was never scared. In the months leading up, some of her friends asked, What if your cable snaps and you crash to the ground? Her answer: My life is in Gods hands. If its time to go, its time to go! She zipped high above the ground alongside a river with crocodiles. As we went along, one couple in their 70s from Utah said, Ruth inspires young folks like us!! Educated in Etna Green School many years ago and a graduate of Bourbon (IN) High, Ruth has traveled everywhere from Point Barrow, Alaska to Austrai, Switzerland, Holland, Japan and all over. You dont want to regret the things you havent done in life, she says. My next challenge is going up in a hot air balloon. I also want to visit Vermont and then Wyoming and Montana. She says the place you dont want to go to in life is Someday Isle. Thats where you tell yourself someday you will do this or that, and the years add up and the window of opportunity is passed. She says the word cant is not in her vocabulary. The one thing she wont do? Im not bungee jumping! No way. No how!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:48:15 +0000

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