As recieved. Solid statement What about Syria what about Iraq - TopicsExpress


As recieved. Solid statement What about Syria what about Iraq what abour Burma where muslims were burnt alive what about Somalia ? Is it because they are bengali and black, muslims dont make noise about them? I wish Insha allah same passion for ALL muslims , not favouring one nation over the other. I used to be stupid media consumer before and went to the protest in london about palestine and in 2011 , when i was there , we found out that the palestine flags being sold on the side were made by israel. They made hundreds of thousands just by selling the flags to the stupid muslims like me who went to protest. They think of us as so stupid , because thats what we are, but they play it so smart. They out smart us... So clever to make this war happen now ? Why ? because Iran & assad told them to... Meanwhile in Syria and shaam, they are killing even more and destroying even more.. But lets keep these stupid muslims busy with palestine We are so predictable and a big joke to them... In two weeks everyone will sit back down again and they will carry on their smart plans. These protests just to keep us busy, and occupied, and stupid petitions. These people dont read history they dont know anything about politics , they just want to be entertained. And right now, whoever wants to be famous or the politican wants more votes, You will see them outside Using muslims. Its all big business. That is why i liked this message from shk abdur raheem, its very right ... We need to boycott and reform ourselves FIRST, i really liked this message and sent it to all. Its right who are we The answer is:: we are all a big joke to our enemies.... The shaykh is very right. May Allah give us understanding, Yes ameen, thats why at times like these its important to take advice and knowledge from experienced scholars and historians, professors... Following These lefties and socialists on the streets is big mistake, we can be led into bigger deceptions. They might have good intentions and be humanitarians but im sorry they are not leaders , they are not salahudeen al ayubis.. They are just youtube , aljazeera russia tv consumers.. Media sadly owns everyone, they have the power to make us all stand up ... Sad v. sad really. I have palistinian friends who laugh at all these western activists that come to Gaza. There are some also in gaza who are making so much money from this. Its all a Game , but people wont realise now, right now they are in جوش. When the dust settles after many years they will know the deception Especially young people they are lured into all this movements, Because they are looking for identity or they are just consumed with images and videos. I call it coke protests. Insha allah khayr im not good at writing my ideas in whatsapp.. When i see in london in jew areas, wow they are so dedicated and practising in their jewish faith. Less noise , more work. They have this secret jewish society even at university, I never see jewish boys with fancy clothes nice cars , they are super faithful to their deen. And here we coke muslims , myself included love shopping in harrods designer clothes, enjoy life.. But i see with my eyes how jewish youth...Soooo practising only wear black and white.. And all jewish ladies with hats and big big familes of practising strong judaism. We want to save the ummah yet we worship the west , really ive never seen young british people THAT practising then jews , they dont ever look at women even up The young guys always look down, they always in religious clothing and know their religion so well..You get the idea.. My top jew lecturer in university.. Once she said to the students who were going to protest and watch this event music performance for palestine. How many palestinian dates will you catch today ya3ni The girls and boys flirting..Even she understand about ikhtilaat. And she laugh openly at everyone.. Like i said , muslim love entertainment. You will never see jewish or zionist making big noise and mixed events.. Thats why im so ashamed because i know exactly how much we are being laughed at now by all ,
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:13:49 +0000

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