As someone who believe in individual responsibility, minimum - TopicsExpress


As someone who believe in individual responsibility, minimum government, maximum governance, charity, and free enterprise I feel that the very fundamentals of my conservative beliefs are being challenged in IL. - I am not against paying property taxes, but I hate to see my property tax rise when my property value goes down. - I am not against paying income taxes, but I hate to see my taxes go up when my income is stagnant. - In general I am not against paying taxes, but only hate to see my $$ not put to work efficiently. - I am not against government employees and teachers making money or having pension plans, but I hate when my tax dollars fund them at the expense of roads, schools, kids education and infrastructure. - I am not against hardworking people making money, but I hate when government overrides free enterprise by setting up the minimum wage. I am lucky to live in IL, especially in IL State representative district 61 and Congressional district IL10. Living in state district 61 means that we have three well-qualified gems in Sheri Jesiel For State Representative, Robert Dold and Bruce Rauner in race. With first hand experience in running businesses in IL they exactly know what it takes to fix IL. I support Sheri, Bruce and Bob Dold because - I want to happily pay property taxes seeing my property value go up - I want my tax $$ to be spent responsibly - I want hardworking Americans to succeed and not be dependent on handouts. - Finally I want to fix the broken education system here I am confident that they have the required expertise to fix Illinois. #BringBackIL Illinois Republican Party #ShakeUpSpringfield
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:30:25 +0000

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