As soon as we receive the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts and - TopicsExpress


As soon as we receive the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts and enter into a relationship with Him, we cease to be our own. We transfer our affiliation from the temporal and natural into the spiritual and eternal. Our citizenship shifts from the natural to the trans-natural; we become citizens of the kingdom of God and, simultaneously, become aliens to the natural world. We also assume a new profession- ambassadors for Christ. Ambassadorship is a fulltime job with specific job description. Ambassadors do not appoint themselves. They are appointed by the government of their Leader. Ambassadors represent their native land in everything they do. They are an embodiment of the norms and values and culture of their homeland. People in the host country are always watching and observing, and drawing conclusions about the ambassadors’ native land, government and leadership based on the ambassadors’ conduct. As such, ambassadors must walk circumspectly to avoid bringing reproach to their Leader. They are personal envoys and representatives of their King. They operate as conduits of their government’s policies and are qualified and commissioned by the One who sends them as heralds of the Gospel truth and the message of reconciliation. Ambassadors do not invent the message they deliver to the host nation nor do they taint it through self-aggrandizement, self-glorification or self-indulgence. They do not speak in their name, but in the name of their King. The centrality of their message is the saving message of the cross of Christ- the good news. Ambassadors cannot not take the rejection of their message by the host country personally. They are not accepted or rejected on their own merit but because of their King, the One who sent them. Everything they do and say has their King as the point of reference; it is centered on the law of His kingdom, the ambassadors’ native land. Ambassadors do not only have thorough knowledge of their homeland, they also have thorough knowledge of their host country, its customs and laws, to enable them to operate within specified legal parameters and not hinder their work through inadvertent or purposeful misconduct. Their credentials are never questioned or doubted by the host nation because they have been substantiated, authenticated and verified by their native government’s leadership. The sovereignty of their homeland legitimizes their position as ambassadors unless, of course, in the case of a coup d’état, which in this particular case, is out of question for the government of our God is from everlasting to everlasting. Ambassadors have no personal opinion in the execution of their duties. Their rules of conduct are codified in an inerrant Reference Manual, the Bible, Whose words pulsate with life. Loyalty to their King fills their vision and illumines all their activities and life. Everything revolves around the glory of their King. The Lord could not bestow a higher calling on us than to choose us to be His representatives and to make His appeal to a lost world through us: “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us... be reconciled to God,” 2 Corinthians 5:20. May the Lord bless you as He anoints you to be an agent of change to help His people be reconciled to Him and to each other.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 01:53:58 +0000

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