As the Irish have been persecuted and were able to find a peaceful - TopicsExpress


As the Irish have been persecuted and were able to find a peaceful road to recovery. I pray for the same for Palestine and Israel. But, with the lack of knowledge and education through out the world for what happen. There have been mistake by all but in Gods world we should be able to forgive and live in peace, with a safe place to live. When I visited Palestine and saw the diver station these people have to live with after all the years they have lived there and never deserting the homes and land and then losing all. We give thanks for people like Fr. Sean Mc Manus who is willing to speak out and share the plight of Palestinians. Someday the world will stand up to the Apartheid in Palestine as the did in South Africa. Bless you on this special day, Fr McManus. LANNETS APPALLING SLUR ON IRISH PRIEST AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CAPITOL HILL. ST. Patricks Day, March 17, 2014 -- In the bad old days, about 30 years ago, Fr. Sean Mc Manus -- President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus and Holy Land Principles, Inc. -- was used to getting abusive and threatening calls on St. Patricks Day from anti-Irish and anti-Catholic bigots. But this St. Patricks day he was even more disturbed to get a phone call branding him a goddamn anti-Semite, and a demand to take Lannett, the Philadelphia-based pharmaceutical company, off the goddamn mailing list (Lannett Company, 13200 Townsend Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 . 215- 3339000.customerservice@lannett). Fr. Mc Manus explained : The caller identified himself as Arthur Bedrosian the given name of the Companys President and CEO. Shortly after the abusive and threatening call -- and just as I was thinking that there was no way the real President of a respectable company would make such a deplorable call -- I get a fax-letter from Lannetts President and CEO, Arthur P. Bedrosian, unloading all sorts of abuse on me -- and the Presbyterian Church... And all because I had written to all the CEOs and IRCs of 550 American companies doing business in The Holy Land,urging them to sign our Holy Land Principles (based on our very successful Mac Bride Principles), and enclosing a copy of the impressive Zionism Unsettled: A Congregational Study Guide (The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church-USA. 2014.[ The publication is 74 pages, 8.5 x 11]. Fr. Mc Manus continued: Mr.Bedrosian repeated the same awful and inexcusable slander and libel. Now everyone who knows me, knows I have a deep love and reverence for Jewish people all over the world -- especially Jewish-Americans, whom I naturally know best. I also carry in my heart a deep shame on how the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches historically mistreated the Jews all over the world. But that shame must not stop Americans -- who want security for Israel -- from also wanting justice and peace for the Palestinians, who bore absolutely no guilt for the horrors and shame of The Holocaust. Furthermore, Mr. Bedrosian must surely know that the sacred memory of The Holocaust is trivialized each time a false, slanderous and libelous charge of anti-Semitism is hurled viciously and abusively. Shame on an American company that sinks to such cynical, dishonorable and contemptible depths. Full text of Mr. Bedrosians fax-letter follows : 03/17/14 08:51AM Lannett Company Inc 21.56710J.5.5 p.Ol Lannett Company Inc. 13200 Townsend ficMd • Phiiadelpili,:l, PA 19154 Telephone: 216-333-9000 Fax: 215-333-9004 lannett Office of the President & Chief ExecutivEI Officer Sean McManus President P POBox 15128 Washington,DC 20003 Dear Sirs: Kindly remove our company from you mailing list. We are proud of our record in dealing with all countries, especially our work with Israelis. We avoid countries and people that are identified as state sponsored terrorist countries or Palestinians and Muslim terrorists. Check your history there never was a country called Palestine it was always a city in the Middle East in which lived Jews Arabs Greeks and other cultures. Historically the only Kingdom that existed in that land belonged to the Jewish people. We do not adhere to your anti-Semitic policies and find, as a fellow Christian, appalling that the Presbyterian Church would lend its name to such policies. Have you forgotten Jesus was a Jew? The entire basis and foundation of your religion is based upon Judaism. Youre misguided, the Bible warns about people exactly like you that appear to be honorable and clothing yourselves in righteousness while spewing hatred for a race of people God chose and found favor with. Arthur P. Bedrosian PS do not bother to respond to this letter your mail will be placed where it belongs, in the trash. END > Fr. Sean Mc Manus > President > Irish National Caucus > P.O. BOX 15128 > Capitol Hill > Washington, DC 20003-0849 > Tel. 202-544-0568 > Fax. 202-488-7537 > [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:19:15 +0000

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