As the end of March draws to a close, I have to say its been one - TopicsExpress


As the end of March draws to a close, I have to say its been one hell of a month! Lets recap! The negative things that happened are as follows; I got in trouble at work, second time this has happened. Im not happy with that whatsoever. Another DJ continually disrespected me and would go and talk shit to the customers about me while I was DJing, and I put up with it for awhile. I was trying to stay respectful and deal with the situation behind the scenes; I let it get to me for awhile. The women who threatened to oil herself multiple times over me leaving the whatever you want to call what we had, contacted me again. I filed for a restraining order awhile back at the beginning of march, but dropped it under advice from my leadership. I also kept trying to make something work with a person who doesnt see me as a priority or put the same effort in whatever we had as I did. **WHAT I LEARNED FROM THE ABOVE** First and foremost, I learned that I need to focus on priorities and not do stupid shit. Just maintaining keeping my head on straight when it comes to work. As far as the other DJ situation, with that and the chick situation I finally realized that people are going to try and get under my skin, talk shit, lie, and be disrespectful no matter what. Whether it be jealousy, character flaws, or tough man over the internet but not in person, its going to happen. All I can control is how I act to it. And why let it bother me? Theres no reason to let some other people make me feel like shit. I realized that if people are going to be rude and disrespectful, after I address it one on one with them, then I just need to cut them off and save myself the headache. I also leafed that people are going to listen to the shit talking. Theres two sides to every story; if my friends want to know my side theyll ask in person, or text me about it. And if you dont have my phone number or see me in person often, you dont know me well enough to be listening to anything being said about me, but thats your choice. Now onto the good of this month! on feb 26th, going into March I was invited into Good Vibes Crew, and we have been working very closely with them, and learning a lot from them! I have my life in order, have started going back to the gym nd working out hard, making sure to gain weight and live a healthier lifestyle. I put together my goals which are finished as of today, I will post them as well as the documents attached to them later today. I DJ-ed at my first rave and actually had the place packed when i was spinning, and that was aftr half the people left due to some drama. I am now getting recognized at events, and Im getting some pretty sweet venues. I broke into the club scene in Sacramento, and then to add to the sweetness I was brought into the Omega Nation family. Finally, to end the month, I found a sick venue that Im keeping on lockdown till that contract gets signed, DJ-ed at a freaking mansion last night, and I have some very wonderful people in my life! I hit 300 likes on my fb page and am about to have over 200 followers on instagram. March, you have been the greatest month of my life to date. I hope april can come close to your awesomeness! Sorry for the long read, if you took the time to read this thank you! If you were a part of this then thank you for making this month extraordinary, the good and the bad, everything taught me something and made this month one to remember for a lifetime
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:30:49 +0000

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